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St. John of Damascus, patron saint of OrthodoxWiki
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The OrthodoxWiki editors have taken St. John of Damascus as their heavenly patron and intercessor as they seek to further the worship and knowledge of the All-Holy Trinity and the faith of the Orthodox Church by means of these pages.

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Today's feasts

March 17 2025:

Raising of Lazarus the Just, the friend of Christ
Saint Alexis the Man of God
Saint Patrick of Ireland

Saint Lazarus the Righteous (Lazarus the Just), the friend of Christ (1st c.); Martyr Marinus of Caesarea, soldier, at Caesarea in Palestine (262); Saint Ambrose, Deacon, disciple of St. Didymus the Blind of Alexandria (400); Venerable Alexis the Man of God, in Rome (411) - (see also July 17 - Western Church); Monk-martyr Paul of Crete, defender of icons, burned alive under Constantine V Copronymus (767); Venerable Theosterictus the Confessor, Abbot of Pelecete Monastery near Prusa (826); Martyrs Alexander and Theodore, early martyrs in Rome; Venerable Patrick, Bishop of Armagh and Enlightener of Ireland (461); Saint Llinio of Llandinam, Abbot and Founder of Llandinam, Powys, Wales (520); Saint Agricola (Agrele, Aregle), ascetic and Bishop of Châlon-sur-Saône in France (580); Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, Abbess of Nivelles, patroness of travellers (659); Saint Beccan of Rhum (677); Saint Withburga, Princess of East Anglia, hermitess whose holy well is at East Dereham (ca.743); Venerable Macarius, Abbot and Wonderworker of Kalyazin (1483); Venerable Hieromartyr Gabriel the Lesser, of Gareji, Georgia (1802); Hieromartyr Theodoulos the Sinaite (1822); Saint Gurij Karpov, Archbishop of Tauria and Simferopol (1882); New Hieromartyr Alexander Polivanov of Krasnoyarsk, Priest (1919); New Hieromartyr Victor Kiranov of Berdyansk, Protopresbyter of Simferopol-Crimea (1942); Other Commemorations: Commemoration of the Great Earthquake of 790 AD, under Emeperor Constantine VI; Repose of Lulach, last Orthodox King of Scotland (1058); Repose of Archbishop Tikhon (Troitsky) of San Francisco (1963).

( March 4 2025: Julian Calendar )

Venerable Gerasimos of the Jordan
St. Wenceslas, Prince of the Czechs

Saint Julian of Alexandria, Bishop of Alexandria (189); Martyrs Paul and his sister Juliana, and Quadratus, Acacius, and Stratonicus, at Ptolemais in Egypt (273) Venerable Gerasimos of the Jordan (475); Saint Gregory of Constantius in Cyprus, Bishop; Saint James the Faster, of Phoenicia, Syria (6th century); Saint Lucius I, succeeded St Cornelius as Pope of Rome in 253, and was at once sent into exile; Martyrs of Rome, a group of 900 martyrs buried in the Catacombs of Callistus on the Appian Way in Rome (260); Saint Leonard of Avranches, Bishop of Avranches (c. 614); Saint Owen of Lastingham (Owin), monk of Lichfield, Disciple of Saint Etheldreda (c. 680); Saint Basinus, monk and Abbot of St Maximin in Trier in Germany, succeeded St Numerian as bishop of the city (c. 705); Saint Appian, a monk at the monastery of St Peter of Ciel d'Oro in Pavia, became a hermit in Comacchio and brought Christ to that region (c. 800); Saint Adrian of May and Companions, a bishop on the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth in Scotland, martyred by the Danes together with other monks including Stalbrand, Geodianus, Caius, and Clodian (c. 875); Saint Felix of Rhuys, a monk at Fleury Abbey (Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire) in France (1038); Saint Gregory, Bishop of Assos near Ephesus (1150); Venerable Gerasimus, monk of Vologda (1178); Blessed Basil (Basilko), Prince of Rostov (1238); Saints of Pskov martyred by the Latins (1299): Saint Ioasaph of Snetogorsk Monastery, and St. Basil of Mirozh Monastery; Saint Daniel of Moscow, Great Prince, Wonder-worker (1303); Saint Peter (Michurin), youth of Tobolsk (Peter of Tomsk) (1820); New Hieromartyr Michael Kargopolov, Priest of Krasnoyarsk (1919); New Hieromartyr Dimitry Ivanov of Kiev, Archpriest (1933); New Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Leontiev of Nizhegorod, Priest (1937); New Martyr John of Al-Sindiyana (Palestine) (1937); New Hieromartyr Alexander, Priest (1938); Other Commemorations: Translation of the relics (938) of Martyr Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav), Prince of the Czechs (935); Repose of Schemamonk Mark of Glinsk Hermitage (1893); Commemoration of Staretz Theodosius of Pochaev (Feodosiy Pochayivsky) (1906); Repose of Schemanun Agnia, Eldress of Karaganda (1976).

Featured article


The Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America, founded in 2010, consists of all the active Orthodox bishops of North and Central America, representing multiple jurisdictions. It is the successor to SCOBA, and it is not, properly speaking, a synod. The Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America is one of several such bodies around the world which operate in the so-called "diaspora."

Recently featured: Raphael Morgan, Holy Week, Georges Florovsky, Theodoros II (Choreftakis) of Alexandria, Paschal Homily, Pachomius the Great. View all featured articles.

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