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Today's feastsMarch 15 2025:Holy Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy, first Bishop of Britain; (1st c.); Martyrs Agapius, Publius (Pauplios), Timolaus, Romulus, two named Dionysius, and two named Alexander, at Caesarea in Palestine (303); Hieromartyr Alexander of Side in Pamphylia (270-275) Martyr Nicander of Egypt (305); Saint Hebarestes, steward of a church located in Jerusalem; Martyr Mancius (5th or 6th c.); Saint Speciosus, a monk at Terracina in Italy (c. 555); Saint Probus of Rieti, Bishop of Rieti in central Italy (c. 571); Saint Zacharias, Pope of Rome (752); Saint Leocritia (Lucretia), a holy virgin in Cordoba in Spain (859); Saint Nicander, monk, of Gorodetsk (Nizhni-Novgorod) (1603); New Martyr Manuel of Crete (1792); Hieromartyr Parthenios, Deacon, at Didymoteicho (1805); New Hieromartyr Alexis Vinogradov, Protopresbyter of Tver (1938); New Hieromartyr Demetrius Legeydo, Priest of Chimkent (1938); New Hieromartyr Michael Bogoslovsk, Protopresbyter of Simferopol-Crimea (1940); Other Commemorations: Commemoration of the deliverance of the island of Lefkada from the earthquake of 1938.
Hieromartyrs Nestor the Bishop, and Tribiminus the Deacon, at Perge in Pamphylia (ca. 250); Martyr Troadius of Neo-Caesarea, and those with him (251); Virgin-martyr Euthalia of Sicily (252); Saint Cointus of Phrygia (Quintus of Phrygia), Confessor and Wonder-worker (283); Martyr Hesychius the Senator (the Palatine), of Antioch (ca. 304) (see also May 10); Hiero-Confessor Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrenia in Cyprus (ca. 326); Venerable Saints Andronicus and the Athanasia (5th century) (see also October 9); Saint Agathon of Egypt, monk (5th century); Martyrs of Rome, a large number of martyrs martyred in Rome under Alexander Severus and the prefect Ulpian (219); Saints Jovinus and Basileus, two martyrs who suffered in Rome under Gallienus and Valerian, buried on the Latin Way (258); Saints Paul, Heraclius, Secundilla and Januaria, martyrs who suffered under Diocletian at Porto Romano at the mouth of the Tiber in Italy (305); Saint Gistilian (Gistlian), uncle of St David and a monk at Menevia, or St Davids, in Wales (5th-6th centuries); Saint Joavan, a Romano-Briton who went to Brittany to live with his uncle St Paul of Léon, by whom he was consecrated bishop (ca. 570); 440 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in Italy (Martyrs of Campania) (ca. 579); Saint Fergna, called 'the White', a relative and disciple of St Columba of Ireland, Abbot of Iona (637); Saint Chad (Ceadda), Bishop of Lichfield (England) (672); Saint Cynibil (Cynibild), a brother of Sts Chad and Cedd who helped enlighten England (7th century); Saint Willeic, a disciple of St Swithbert who made him Abbot of Kaiserwerth in Germany (726); Saint Slebhene (Sléibíne mac Congaile), a monk from Ireland, he became Abbot of Iona in Scotland (767); Venerable Arsenius, Bishop of Tver (1409); Venerable Arethas the Recluse, Bishop, monk at the Kiev Caves Lavra (1409) (see also October 24)' Venerable Sabbatius, monk of Tver (1434), and his disciple St. Euphrosynus (1460); Venerable Barsanuphius (1459) and Sabbas (1467), abbots of Tver; Venerable Abramios of Spassk, of the monastery of Christ the Saviour, Russia (16th century); New Martyr Theodore Sladić of Komogovina (1788); Venerable Joachim (Papoulakis) of Ithaca, monk of Vatopedi (Mt. Athos) and Ithaca (1868); Saint Ambrose (Khelaia) the Confessor, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia (1927) (see also March 16 and March 27) Saint Nicholas Planas of Athens (1932) (see also February 17) Other Commemorations: Repose of Abbess Philareta of Ufa (1890); Appearance of the Kolomenskoye “Reigning” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1917).
Featured articleThe Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America, founded in 2010, consists of all the active Orthodox bishops of North and Central America, representing multiple jurisdictions. It is the successor to SCOBA, and it is not, properly speaking, a synod. The Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America is one of several such bodies around the world which operate in the so-called "diaspora."
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