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Today's feastsFebruary 11 2025:Hieromartyr Blaise (Vlassios), Bishop of Sebaste, and the two children and seven women martyred with him (316); Hieromartyr Lucius of Adrianople (348); Righteous Theodora the Iconodule, wife of Emperor Theophilus the Iconoclast; Saint Blaise the Hieromartyr of Acarnania (1006); Saint Calocerus, disciple of St Apollinaris, whom he succeeded as Bishop of Ravenna, Confessor (c. 130); Martyrs of North-West Africa, the 'Guardians of the Holy Scriptures' (303); Martyrs Saturninus, Dativus, Felix, Ampelius, Victoria and Companions (304) (see also February 12); Saint Lazarus of Milan, Archbishop, who defended his flock from the Ostrogoths (449); Saints Priscus the Bishop, with Castrensis, Tammarus, Rosius, Heraclius, Secundinus, Adjutor, Mark, Augustus, Elpidius, Canion and Vindonius, priests (5th century); Saint Severinus, Abbot of Agaunum in Switzerland (507); Saint Desideratus (Désiré), successor of St Avitus as Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne (6th century); Saint Desiderius, Bishop of Vienne and martyr (608); Saint Cædmon of Whitby, monk of Whitby, Yorkshire, father of English poetry (c. 680); Saint Gobnait, Abbess of Ballyvourney, Cork, Ireland (7th century); Saint Gregory II, Pope of Rome (731); Saint Benedict of Aniane, monastic reformer (821); Saint Gabriel of Pskov (Prince Vsevolod of Pskov), Prince and wonderworker of Pskov (1138); Venerable Demetrius, monk and wonderworker of Priluki Monastery in Vologda (1392); New Martyr George of Kratovo, Serbia, at Sofia, burned at the stake (1515) Venerable Cassian the Barefoot (in the world 'Kosmas'), ascetic of the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery (1532); Other Commemorations: Uncovering of the relics of Saint Zechariah the Prophet, the father of St. John the Baptist (415) Repose of Archbishop Simon of Shanghai and Peking (1933).
Martyr Chryse (c. 41-54); Martyrs Sarbelus (Thathuil) and his sister Bebaia, of Edessa (110); Saint Barsimaeus the Confessor, Hieromartyr Bishop of Edessa (114); The Holy Seven Martyrs of Samosata (297): Romanus, James, Philotheus, Hyperechius, Abibus, Julian, and Paregorius; Hieromartyrs Silvanus, Bishop of Emesa, Luke the Deacon, and Mocius the Reader (312); Venerable Aphrahates the Persian, Hermit of Antioch (370); Venerable Ascepsimus, monk; Saint Ashot Kuropalates of Tao-Klarjeti, Georgia (829) (see also January 27) Saint Caesarius, a deacon in Angoulême in France under its first bishop St Ausonius (1st century); Hieromartyr Constantius of Perugia, first Bishop of Perugia, and Companions (170); Martyr Sabinian of Troyes (275); Martyrs Papias and Maurus, soldiers martyred in Rome under Maximian (ca. 303); Saint Valerius, second Bishop of Trier in Germany (c. 320); Saint Blath (Flora), a cook at St Brigid's convent in Kildare where she was honoured as a holy woman (523); Saint Gildas the Wise, Abbot of Rhuys, Brittany (c. 570); Saint Severus (Sulpitius I of Bourges, Sulpicius Severus), Bishop of Bourges (591); Saint Dallán Forgaill (of Cluain Dallain), a relative of St Aidan of Ferns, martyred at Inis-coel by pirates (598); Saint Aquilinus of Mediolanum (Milan), martyred by the Arians (650); Saint Voloc, a bishop from Ireland who worked in Scotland (c. 724); Venerable Ignatios the Sinaite, of Rethymno, Crete; Venerable Laurence, recluse of the Kiev Caves and Bishop of Turov (1194); Saint Ignatius, Wonder-worker and Bishop of Smolensk (1210); Saint Andrei Rublev, iconographer, of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery, Moscow (1430) (see also July 4); Saints Gerasimus (1441), Pitirim (1455), and Jonah (1470), Bishops of Perm; New Martyr Demetrius of Chios, at Constantinople (1802); New Hieromartyrs John Granitovo and Leontius Klimenko, Priests, Constantine Zverev, Deacon, and with them 5 Martyrs (1920); Other Commemorations: Translation of the relics (5th century) of Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, Bishop of Antioch (107); Synaxis of All Saints of Yekaterinburg.
Featured articleThe Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America, founded in 2010, consists of all the active Orthodox bishops of North and Central America, representing multiple jurisdictions. It is the successor to SCOBA, and it is not, properly speaking, a synod. The Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America is one of several such bodies around the world which operate in the so-called "diaspora."
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