Monastery of St Nektarius (Leeuwenkloof, Pretoria)

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Holy Monastery of St Nektarius
Jurisdiction Church of Alexandria
Archdiocese of Johannesburg and Pretoria
Type Male Monastery
Founded 2005
Superior n/a
Approx. size currently empty
Location Leeuwenkloof, Pretoria, South Africa
Liturgical language(s) unknown
Music used unknown
Calendar Revised Julian
Feastdays celebrated unknown
Official website St Nektarios Monastery
Web site

The Monastery of Ss. Nektarius and Nicholas is the first monastery established in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and Pretoria, of the Republic of South Africa. The monastery is located near the city of Johannesburg.

The founding of the Monastery of Ss. Nektarius and Nicholas in 2005 fulfilled the plans of the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and the Metropolitan of Johannesburg and Pretoria to provide a monastic institution in the metropolis that would provide the Orthodox community with a spiritual sanctuary for monks and clergy in South Africa.

At a ceremony on December 10, 2006, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa ordained the first monk in South Africa at the monastery.

The monastery provides a home for monks and clergy of the metropolis and to those in the South African community who need a spiritual sanctuary. Plans envision the establishment of a parish, a residential facility, and a program for theological study, practice, and education.
