Dorotheus II of Trebizond

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His Eminence Dorotheus II of Trebizond was a hierarch of the Church of Constantinople who served as Metropolitan of Athens and of Trebizond during the fifteenth century after the Ottoman conquest of Greece.


Little is known of the life of Metropolitan Dorotheus. He was the Metropolitan of Athens around the year 1465, after the Ottoman Turks had conquered Athens in 1458. This is recorded only in the text of his election act in the Diocese of Trebizond, which is preserved in a manuscript at the Pantokrator Monastery of Mount Athos, as the historians of Athens under Ottoman rule make no mention of any names of metropolitans of the city during the period after the Ottoman conquest of the city.

Dorotheus was appointed Metropolitan of Trebizond in 1472, following a brief tenure by Pangratius in the same year in which he was forced to resign after the demand of the sultan himself. The quick appointment of Dorotheus was due to the special interest of the Patriarch Symeon I not to leave the city of Trebizond without a religious leader.

Metr. Dorotheus apparently died in office. He probably was succeeded by Metr. Gennadius I, who is mentioned as being metropolitan in 1501.

Succession box:
Dorotheus II of Trebizond
Preceded by:
Metropolitan of Athens
Succeeded by:
Anthimus II?
Preceded by:
Metropolitan of Trebizond
Succeeded by:
Gennadius I?
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