St. Gregory Palamas Monastery (Hayesville, Ohio)

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St. Gregory Palamas Monastery in Hayesville, Ohio, is a monastery in the Athonite tradition in the Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

The Monastery of Saint Gregory Palamas was established in 1982 by Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh. The property was originally bought from a monastery belonging to the American branch of the Holy Synod in Resistance, which essentially moved its own monastery by the same name to Etna, California. The previous residents had built their monastery on what had been a farm. It is located in the rural, wooded agricultural country of northeastern Ohio, about 15 miles east of Mansfield.

The main church of the monastery, built in what may be described as "Ohio Byzantine architecture," was consecrated in 1989 by Archbishop Iakovos, who led the Greek Archdiocese from 1959 to 1996. Services are conducted primarily in English.

There is also a closely associated community for women located about two miles away, Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple Skete, which is not a dependency but an independent hesychastarion. There is also another community nearby founded by monastics originally from St. Gregory's, St. Theodore House (Galion, Ohio).

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