Life-Giving Spring

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Panagia the Life Giving Spring

the 'Life Giving Spring' story

This image includes the mother and her child within a stone chalice containing the living water which is the Christ. The water is contained in the cross which all who follow him must bear as he did. In the early-church, the baptismal font was actually in the form of a cross just like the cross of this icon and the Christians would enter in from the base of the cross and come out at the top and then reenter from the left of the cross and come out on the right of the cross and then the priest, who would be standing in the middle of the cross/baptismal font would commune them ....

In Constantinople, some time in the 5th century, there was a garden that was dedicated to the Virgin Mother of God. In the garden was a spring and it was well known for its miracles. In its history, the fountain had been destroyed and then rebuilt, on many occassions, at the request of the Virgin Mother.

History of the original icon

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List of Icons with this name

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List of Churches around the world

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List of Monasteries around the world

  • Monastery of the Theotokos the Life-Giving Spring, Dunlap (California, USA) - 38526 Dunlap Road (
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List of Shrines around the world

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See Also

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