Orthodox Charities
It is a crucial time of opportunity for the Orthodox Church around the world. Many clergy and faithful are involved in efforts to serve the needy which are worthy of your funds. This is a list of a number of excellent Orthodox charities and charitable organizations:
- OCMC - Orthodox Christian Mission Center - official website
- IOCC - International Orthodox Christian Charities - official website
- Project Mexico & St Innocent Orphanage - official website
- Saint Nicholas Uganda Children's Fund - official website
- Reconciliation Services (Kansas City) - official website
- FOCUS North America - official website
- St Herman's House (FOCUS Cleveland) - official website
- Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) - official website
- Neighborhood Resilience Project (Pittsburgh) - official website
- Cathedral's Kitchen at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (Chicago) - official website
- Saints Martha and Mary House (Chicago) - official website
- OCA Diocese of Alaska Distinguished Diocesan Donor Program
- Outreach Alaska - Sponsor a seminarian at St. Herman's Seminary