Sister Patapia is a nun at the Greek nunnery of Saint Patapios at the mountain Geraneia, in Loutraki, Greece. There she was named mother superior from 1963 until 1970 when she resigned because of health problems. She contributed to the creation of the monastery. She has also experienced many miracles from Saint Patapius of Thebes
She was born in Corinth, Greece in 1931 and on the age of 21 she decided to become a nun at the Saint Patapios monastery which at the time had only a couple of nuns and 2 - 3 small cells - rooms.
Nun Patapia helped with the creation of the convent that was established in 1952 by father Nectarios Marmarinos, a priest from Corinth. The first mother superior was sister Siglitiki. In the first years the monastery was poor, without road access or water supply.
The nuns transferred water with a donkey from a spring that was some miles away. Nun Patapia struggled to build the convent. She strengthened the faith of the rest nuns and finally the monastery thrived and today is very famous. It has 40 nuns and its access from Loutraki has been made simpler via a modern road.
Nun Patapia also experienced many miracles of Saint Patapios. Also nun Patapia's health is a miracle itself.
As a mother superior, Sister Patapia was distinguished for her charity work. Even today, although in advanced age, she is still collecting and sending medicines to the mission.
- «The Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios in Loutraki» [edition of the Metropolis of Corinth, Sikyon, Zemenou, Tarsus and Polyfengous, 2012].
- «The Greek Monasteries» [Ev. Lekkou, Ihnilatis, Athens, 1995].
- "Agiologio of Orthodoxy," [Christos Tsolakidis, Athens, 2001 edition]
- «O Megas Synaxaristis of the Orthodox Church" Saint Patapios, p. (254) - (261) [m Victoras Mattheos, 3rd edition, Metamorfosi Sotiros Monastery, Athens, 1968]
- "Saint Patapios" [Stylianos Papadopoulos, professor of the University of Athens, Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios, Loutraki, Greece, edition 2006).
- "St. Patapios and his miracles," [Dr. Charalambos Busias, edition of Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios Loutraki 2004]
- "Life, akolouthia, paraklitikos kanonas and egomia of the holy mother ‘’Saint Hypomone" [Dr. Charalambos Busias, edition of Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios, Loutraki 1999]
- "Deltos of Miracles of our miraculous father St. Patapios" [Dr. Charalambos Busias, edition of Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios 4th Edition, Loutraki 2011]
External links
- Monastery_of_St_Patapios_(Loutraki,_Greece)
- Saint Patapios: his life, his miracles and his monastery
- Mystagogy: Saint Patapios of Thebes and His Monastery in Loutraki
- Nunnery of Hosios Patapios
- A Miracle and the Life of St. Patapios of Thebes
- Saint Patapios
- Sister Patapia on Facebook