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Basil Osborne

Revision as of 14:09, June 14, 2006 by ASDamick (talk | contribs)
Bp. Basil (Osborne) of Amphipolis

His Grace, the Right Reverend Bishop Basil (Osborne) of Amphipolis is an auxiliary bishop of the Ecumenical Patriarchate serving in its Russian Orthodox Exarchate in Western Europe, tasked with the care of its flock in Great Britain and Ireland. He previously served as the temporary administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate's Diocese of Sourozh (August 2003 - May 2006) with the title Bishop of Sergievo, when he was forcibly retired after requesting to be released from Moscow to Constantinople.

Bp. Basil's authority is over a vicariate of parishes in the British Isles, and he has the privilege of sitting on the council of the Exarchate.[1]

The Moscow Patriarchate does not recognize the act of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in receiving Basil, and still regards him as belonging to itself, announcing this decision of its holy synod on June 13, 2006.[2][3]

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Succession box:
Basil Osborne
Preceded by:
Anthony (Bloom)
Bishop of Sergievo,
Administrator of the Diocese of Sourozh

Succeeded by:
Innokenty (Vasilyev)
Preceded by:
Bishop of Amphipolis
Succeeded by:
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