St. Abundius (also Abondius, Abundias, or Abbondio; early fifth century – 469) was a Bishop of Como, Northern Italy. His feast day is on April 2.
He was born at Thessalonica. Around 448 Abundius became the fourth Bishop of Como, succeeding Amantius. He was present at the Council of Constantinople in 450, and took an active part against the Eutychian Heresy at Chalcedon (451), where he was the representative of Pope Leo the Great. In 452 he also took part in the Council of Milan, convened to refute the same heresy. Abundius is one of those to whom the authorship of the Te Deum is occasionally attributed.
The Romanesque Church of Sant'Abbondio at Como, consecrated in 1095 by Pope Urban II, is dedicated to him, and his relics are conserved beneath its principal altar.
See Also
Abundius on Wikipedia