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Vasilije (Popović) of Banja Luka

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Metropolitan Vasilije (Popović) (in Serbian Митрополит Василије (Поповић)) was the second Metropolitan of Banja Luka, from 1907 to 1937.


The Holy Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate elected him Metropolitan of Banja luka in 1907. He was ordained by Archbishop Evgenije of Sarajevo and Metropoliten of Dabro-Bosna, St. Petar, Metropolitan of Hercegovina and later of Dabro-Bosna, and Metropolitan Ilarion of Zvornik-Tuzla. Metropolitan Evgenije prceeded him as Mtropolitan of Banja Luka

He and his flock were accepted into the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1920, which the Ecumenical Patriarchat approved in 1922.

Metr. Vasilije died 1937. His relics are in Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Banja Luka.

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Vasilije (Popović) of Banja Luka
Preceded by:
Metropoliten of Banja Luka
Succeeded by:
St. Platon
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