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1 byte added, 22:11, July 6, 2011
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[[Image:The Burial Lamentations by Theophanes the Cretan.jpg|right|thumb|200px|The Burial Lamentations, Holy Monastery of Stavronikita, Mount Athos. Mid-16th c.]]
[[Image:D005-1.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Epitaphios (plashchanitsa)]]
The icon depicts [[Christ]] after he has been removed from the cross, lying supine, as his body is being prepared for burial. The scene is taken from the [[Gospel]] of St. John 19:38-42. Shown around him, and mourning his death, may be his mother (the [[Theotokos]]; [[Apostle John|John]] the beloved disciple; [[Joseph of Arimathea]]; and [[Mary Magdalene]], as well as angels. [[Nicodemus]] and others may also be depicted. Sometimes, the body of Christ appears alone, except for angels, as if lying in state.[] The oldest surviving embroidered icon, of about 1200 (Venice) is in this form. The equivalent subjects in the West are called the "Anointing of Christ's body", or ''Lamentation'' (with a group present), or the ''Pietà'', with just Christ held by Mary.
===Matins on Holy Saturday===
[[Image:The Burial Lamentations by Theophanes the Cretan.jpg|right|thumb|200px|The Burial Lamentations, Holy Monastery of Stavronikita, Mount Athos. Mid-16th c.]]
[[Image:shroud.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Epitaphios prior to Paschal vigil at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church (''Chicago, IL'')]]
'''The Burial of Christ'''. During Matins, ''Lamentations'' (Greek: Επιτάφιος Θρήνος, ''epitaphios thrênos'', lit. "winding-sheet lamentation"; or Εγκομια, ''enkomia'', "praises") are sung before the Epitaphios as at the tomb of Christ, while all hold lighted candles. The verses of these Lamentations are interspersed between the verses of Psalm 118 (the chanting of this psalm forms a major part of the Orthodox funeral service). The psalm is divided into three sections, called ''stases''. At the beginning of each stasis, the priest or deacon will perform a censing. At the third and final stasis, the priest will sprinkle rosewater on the Epitaphios and the congregation, symbolizing the anointing of Christ's body with spices.

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