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Timeline of Church History

38 bytes added, 04:10, February 12, 2009
Modern era (1821-1917): link
*1899 Restoration of Arabs to the [[Church of Antioch|Patriarchal throne of Antioch]].
*1900 [[Martyrs of China|Martyrdom of Orthodox Christians]] in Chinese Boxer Rebellion (Yihetuan Movement).
*1901 [[Evangelakia Events (Athens, 1901)|"Evangelakia" riots ]] in Athens Greece in November, over translations of [[New Testament]] into [[w:Dimotiki|Demotic (Modern) Greek]], resulting in fall of both government and Metropolitan of Athens.
*1904 [[Church of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchate]] publishes the [ "Patriarchal" Text of the Greek New Testament], based on about twenty Byzantine manuscripts; petition to Russian synod by Abp. [[Tikhon of Moscow|Tikhon (Belavin)]], Bp. [[Raphael of Brooklyn|Raphael (Hawaweeny)]], and Fr. [[John Kochurov]] to permit adaption of services taken from Anglican Book of Common Prayer for use by Orthodox people.
*1905 Death of [[Apostolos Makrakis]]; Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas Romanov's]] decree on freedom of religion results in about 250,000 [[w:Ruthenians|Ruthenians]] returning to [[Eastern Catholic Churches|Uniatism]]; seat of Russian Orthodox bishop in America moved from San Francisco to New York, as immigration from Eastern Europe and the reception of ex-[[Uniate]]s shifts the balance of Orthodox population to eastern North America.

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