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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Australia

301 bytes added, 12:51, September 20, 2005
College Era
:::Fourth National Youth Conference held in Melbourne
*1989: Moscow Patriarchate consecrates second church in Sydney.
*1991: Fifth National Youth Conference held in Adelaide.*1991-94: Schism occurs in Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. Patriarchate of Jerusalem accepts schismatic parishes and begins jurisdiction in Australia. After great protests from Archbishop Stylianos and Patriarch Bartholomew, Jerusalem withdrew, and parishes joined old-calendarist synods.*1993 Jan: Seventh Clergy-Laity Congress held in Sydney.
*1994: Sixth National Youth Conference held in Brisbane
*1993 Jan: Seventh Clergy-Laity Congress held in Sydney.
*1996 Nov: First Visit of Ecumenical Patriarchate.
*1998 Jan: Eighth Clergy-Laity Congress held in Sydney.
renameuser, Administrators

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