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All-American Council

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Seventeenth All-American Council
==Second All-American Council==
The second council was also held at St. Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan from [[October 19]]-21, 1971. The council adopted the revised Statutes for the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) which was based upon the short constitution adopted at the council in 1970. The Statutes specified convening an All-American Council every two years. The council also welcomed into the OCA the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese led by Bp. [[Stephen (Lasko)of Boston|Stephen (Lasko)]].
==Third All-American Council==
==Sixth All-American Council==
The sixth council was held in Detroit, Michigan, on [[November 9]]-14, 1980. Discussions and deliberations for this Council were held under the theme of ''Orthodoxy, America, and The Future''. The council amended the Statutes to admit women as delegates at All-American Councils. The council also revised the Statutes to schedule convocation of the All-American Councils every three year instead of every two years. The council also expressed support for Abp [[Valerian (Trifa) of Detroit|Valerian]] (Trifa)]], bishop of the [[Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (OCA)|Romanian Diocese]] of the OCA, who was defending himself against accusations of being a Nazi war-criminal. At the council the Synod of Bishops announced the formation in 1981 of the [[Diocese of Washington (OCA)|Diocese of Washington (DC)]] as the see for the Primate of the OCA. The council was also advised of the established in 1978 by the Synod of Bishops of the [[Diocese of the South (OCA)|Diocese of the South]].
==Seventh All-American Council==
==Ninth All-American Council==
The ninth council was held in Saint Louis, Missouri on [[August 20]]-25, 1989. The discussions and deliberations of the council were under the theme of ''The Orthodox Church in America: Reflecting on the Past, Planning for the Future''. The ninth council reflected a change in the format for sessions by reverting back to plenary sessions only. The council noted the retirement of Fr. Daniel Hubiak who had been the [[Chancellor ]] of the OCA since he succeeded Fr. [[Joseph J. Pishtey II|Joseph J. Pishtey]] after he died on November 2, 1972. The council also noted that the newly appointed chancellor was Fr. Robert Kondratick.
==Tenth All-American Council==
==Thirteenth All-American Council==
The thirteenth council was held in Orlando, Florida on [[July 21]]-26, 2002. The theme for the council was: ''The Parish Community: Our Life in Christ''. The principal business of the council was the election of a new Metropolitan to succeed Metr. [[Theodosius (Lazor) of Washington|Theodosius (Lazor)]], who had voluntarily retired because of reportedly poor health. While Bp. [[Seraphim (Storheim) of Ottawa|Seraphim of Ottawa and Canada]] received a majority the greatest number of votes on the first ballot, the election proceeded to a second vote by the Synod of Bishops since the majority of two thirds for election was not met. The Synod of Bishops selected Abp. [[Herman (Swaiko) of Washington and New York|Herman]] (Swaiko) of Philadelphia as the new Metropolitan.
In the first ballot there were 267 votes for Bishop Seraphim, 141 for Archbishop Herman, 52 for Bishop [[Job (Osacky) of Chicago]], 47 for Archbishop [[Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit]], 47 for Bishop [[Nikolai (Soraich) of Sitka]], 45 for Archbishop [[Dmitri (Royster) of Dallas]], 12 for Bishop [[Basil (Essey) of Wichita|Basil (Essey)]], 2 for Archbishop [[Kyrill (Yonchev) of Pittsburgh]], 3 for Bishop [[Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and Los Angeles|Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco]], 1 for Bishop [[Nikon (Liolin) of Boston|Nikon]], 3 for Fr. [[Michael Dahulich]] , 2 for [[Philip (Saliba) of New York|Metropolitan Philip]], 2 for Fr. Eugene Tarris, 2 for [[Demetrios (Trakatellis) of America|Archbishop Demetrios]], 2 for Fr. Irinej Dobrijevich, 1 for Fr. Christopher Calin , 1 for Fr. Vladimir Wendling, 1 for Bishop Nicholas, 1 for Archimandrite [[Tikhon (Mollard) of Philadelphia|Tikhon]], 1 Hierodeacon Yakov, and 9 invalid ballots.
In the second ballot there were 473 votes for Bishop Seraphim, 223 for Archbishop Herman, 151 for Bishop Job, 107 for Bishop Nikolai, 94 for Archbishop Nathaniel, 73 for Archbishop Dmitri, 32 for Bishop Basil (Essey) , 19 for Fr. [[Alexander Golitzin]], 18 for Bishop Nikon, 16 for Bishop Tikhon, 15 for Fr. Michael Dahulich , 12 for Archbishop Kyrill, 8 for Metropolitan Philip, 5 for Archbishop [[Peter (L'Huillier) of New York]], 5 for Fr. Irinej Dobrijevich, 5 for Archimandrite Tikhon, 3 for Archbishop Demetrios, 3 for Fr. Vladimir Wendling, 2 for Fr. David Brum, 2 for Fr. Eugene Tarris, 2 for Bishop Dimitrios, 2 for Fr. Basil Summer, 1 for Bishop Nicholas, 1 for Fr. Christopher Calin, 1 Hierodeacon Yakov, 1 for Fr. James Paffhausen, 1 for Dr. Albert Rossi, and 1 for Fr. [[Irénée (Rochon)|Ireney Rochon]].
==Fourteenth All-American Council==
==Fifteenth All-American Council==
The 15th All-American Council, will take took place at the Hilton Hotel, in Pittsburgh, PA, November 10-13, 2008. The theme for the council was: "Members of One Another". In preparation, the Preconciliar Commission held regional “Town Hall meetings” throughout the summer with members of the Synod of Bishops meeting with church members. The Council trailed a financial scandal that had been slowly emerging since 1993 that resulted in the early retirement of the Metr. [[Herman (Swaiko) of Washington and New York|Herman (Swaiko)]] in September. The chief tasks of the council were to pick a new primate for the OCA and to restore confidence in the financial accountability of the church. After receiving pluralities in the nominating ballots (though not a two-thirds majority), auxiliary Bishop [[Jonah (Paffhausen) of Washington and New York|Jonah (Paffhausen)]] of Fort Worth was elected by the Synod of Bishops. Present at the Wednesday morning session, were 645 voting delegates, including 310 clergy and 325 lay delegates, and 10 Hierarchs, making 432 votes needed for a first round, two thirds, majority.  On the first ballot, the two leading candidates were Bp. Jonah, with 233 votes, and Abp. [[Job (Osacky) of Chicago|Job of Chicago]], with 212 votes. Also receiving first ballot votes were, Bishop [[Benjamin (Peterson) of San Francisco|Benjamin]] with 75 votes, Archbishop [[Seraphim (Storheim) of Ottawa|Seraphim]] 33, Bishop [[Tikhon (Mollard) of Philadelphia|Tikhon]] 27, Archpriest [[Michael Dahulich]] 16, Archbishop [[Dmitri (Royster) of Dallas|Dmitri]] 10, Archbishop [[Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit|Nathaniel]] 9, Bishop [[Basil (Essey) of Wichita|Basil (Essey)]] 6, Bishop [[Nikon (Liolin) of Boston|Nikon]] 5, Archpriest [[Alexander Golitzin]] 5, Archbishop [[Lazar (Puhalo) of Ottawa|Lazar (Puhalo)]] 002, Bishop [[Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna|Hilarion (of Vienna)]] 2, Archimandrite [[Meletios (Webber)]] 2, Archpriest Basil Summer 1, Archimandrite [[Zacharias (Zacharou)|Zacharias (of St. John’s Monastery, England)]] 1, Archpriest Dennis Bradley 1, Archpriest Callinic Berger 1, and Archimandrite [[Zacchaeus (Wood)]] with 1 vote. (Three votes were not cast.) On the second ballot, Bp. Jonah received 473 votes and Abp. Job 364. Their names were given to the other bishops for selection. Also receiving second ballot votes were, Bishop Benjamin with 140 votes, Bishop Tikhon 75, Archbishop Seraphim 42, Archbishop Dmitri 35, Archpriest Michael Dahulich 31, Bishop Basil (Essey) 22, Bishop Nikon 19, Archimandrite Meletios (Webber) 16, Archbishop Nathaniel 9, Archpriest Alexander Golitzin 6, Archpriest Basil Summer 6, Fr. Oleg Kirilov 4, Bishop [[Irineu (Duvlea) of Dearborn Heights|Irineu]] 3, Bishop [[Alejo (Pacheco y Vera) of Mexico City|Alejo]] 3, Archbishop Lazar (Puhalo) 3, Monk Stavros (Leves) 2, Archpriest [[David Mahaffey]] 2, Igumen Basil Carpenter 2, Archimandrite Zacharias of St. John’s Monastery, England 2, Archpriest Dennis Bradley 2, Archbishop Nikiphoros 1, Bishop [[Mark (Maymon) of Toledo|Mark of Toledo]] 1, and Fr. Juvenaly of St. Tikhon’s 1 vote. (Two votes were not cast and 4 votes were invalid.) On the previous night, the Synod of Bishops took questions about the financial scandal. The newly consecrated Bishop Jonah gave answers that drew attention for their forthright admission of wrongdoing at church headquarters and explained of how bishops are supposed to lead.  Among the reports and talks during the council were Abp. [[Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit|Nathaniel]]'s update on the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America, Special Investigating Committee reports and recommendations.  Much of the Council's activity could be observed online through a [ page on the OCA website], and via podcasts from [ Ancient Faith Radio]. ==Sixteenth All-American Council== The 16th All-American Council was held in Bellevue, Washington, October 31 to November 4, 2011, Bellevue is a neighbor of Seattle, just across Lake Washington. ==Seventeenth All-American Council== The 17th All-American Council was held for just one day, Tuesday, [[November 13]], 2012 (the Feast of Saint John Chrysostom), at the Holy Trinity Church, Parma, Ohio. It was attended by 11 Hierarchs, 295 Clergy Delegates, 284 Lay Delegates for 590 eligible to vote. Also, there were 7 Retired Clergy and 66 Observers for a total of 663 people. The only order of business for this council was the election of a new primate of the Orthodox Church in America. No single candidate received the required two-thirds margin on the first ballot. On the second ballot, His Eminence, [[Tikhon (Mollard) of Washington|Archbishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania]] and His Grace, [[Michael (Dahulich) of New York|Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey]], received 317 and 355 votes respectively. The members of the [[Holy Synod]] retired into the altar where they elected Archbishop Tikhon. On the first ballot, the two leading candidates were Bishop Michael 205, Archbishop Tikhon 118. Also receiving first ballot votes were, [[Melchisedek (Pleska) of Pittsburgh|Bishop Melchizedek]] 94, [[Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit|Archbishop Nathaniel]] 49, [[Benjamin (Peterson) of San Francisco|Archbishop Benjamin]] 23, [[Basil (Essey) of Wichita|Bishop Basil (Essey)]] 17, [[Jonah (Paffhausen) of Washington|Metropolitan Jonah]] 17, [[Nikon (Liolin) of Boston|Archbishop Nikon]] 13, [[Mark (Maymon) of Baltimore|Bishop Mark (Maymon)]] 10, [[Alexander (Golitzin) of Toledo|Bishop Alexander]] 8, [[Irénée (Rochon) of Quebec City|Bishop Irénée]] 5, [[Hilarion (Kapral) of New York|Metropolitan Hilarion (ROCOR)]] 3, [[Matthias (Moriak) of Chicago|Bishop Matthias]] 3, Archimandrite Alexander (Pihach) 3, Hieromonk [[David (Mahaffey)|David Mahaffey]] 3, [[Alejo (Pacheco y Vera) of Mexico City|Archbishop Alejo]] 2, Igumen [[Gerasim (Eliel)]] 2, [[Philip (Saliba) of New York|Metropolitan Philip]] 1, [[Irineu (Duvlea) of Dearborn Heights|Bishop Ireneu]] 1, [[Seraphim (Sigrist) of Sendai|Bishop Seraphim (Sigrist)]] 1, Archimandrite Vladimir (Wendling) 1, Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) 1, Igumen Patrick (Carpenter) 1, [[Paul (Gassios)|Archpriest Paul Gassios]] 1, and Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) 1. There were 7 invalid/blank ballots for a total of 590 votes. On the second ballot: Bishop Michael 355, Archbishop Tikhon 317, Bishop Melchizedek 161, Archbishop Nathaniel 81, Bishop Mark (Maymon) 28, Bishop Basil (Essey) 25, Archbishop Benjamin 23, Archbishop Nikon 23, Bishop Alexander 20, Bishop Irénée (Rochon) 15, Metropolitan Jonah 14, Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) ([[ROCOR]]) 13, Archbishop Alejo 11, Bishop Matthias 9, Abbot Gerasim (Eliel) 6, Bishop Irineu (Duvlea) 5, Fr. David Mezynski 5, Archimandrite Alexander (Pihach) 4, Bishop Seraphim (Sigrist) 3, Archimandrite Christopher (Calin) 3, [[Kyrill (Gundyayev) of Moscow|Patriarch Kyrill]] 2, [[Meletios (Webber)|Archimandrite Meletios (Webber)]] 2, Igumen Sergius (Bowyer) 2, Archpriest Paul Gassios 2, Hieromonk David (Mahaffey) 2, Monk Stavros (Leves) 2, [[Herman (Swaiko) of Washington and New York|Metropolitan Herman]] 1, Metropolitan [[Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna|Hilarion (Alfeyev)]](ROC) 1, [[Thomas (Joseph) of Charleston and Oakland|Bishop Thomas]] (Antiochian) 1, Archimandrite Juvenaly (Repass) 1, Archimandrite Pitirim (Stehnach) 1, Igumen Joseph (Hoffman) 1, Igumen Patrick (Carpenter) 1, Fr. David Brum 1, Fr. Theodore Heckman 1, Fr. Basil Summer 1, Fr. John Chudik 1, Hieromonk Herman (Majkrzak) 1, Brother Luke (Dorr) 2. There were 11 invalid ballots (22 votes), and 6 ballots (12 votes) were not submitted for a total of 1180 votes.
==External links==
*[ Anticipation: An All-American Council of repentance, healing, renewed life, and reinvigorated mission] Anticipation of the 15th All-American Council
*[ 15th All-American Council blog]
*[ Fifteenth All-American Council MINUTES]
*[ 16th All-American Council Website]
*[ 16th All American Council of the Orthodox Church in America Podcasts] - Ancient Faith Radio,
*[ The 17th All-American Council Election of the Metropolitan of All America and Canada]
*[ 17th All American Council of the Orthodox Church in America Podcasts] - Ancient Faith Radio,
*[ Seventeenth All-American Council MINUTES]
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