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===The Actions versus the Condition of the Person===
Fr. Harakas cites a "balanced" definition of homosexuality as "a predominant, persistent, and exclusive psychosexual attraction toward members of the same sex. A homosexual person is one who feels sexual desire for and a sexual responsiveness to persons of the same sex and who seeks or would like to seek actual sexual fulfillment of this desire by sexual acts with a person of the same sex."{{ref|3}} This speaks volumes on this subject from a specificity and pastoral aspect on this topic. Of particular note is that the homosexual is a person first and foremost, and that the actions he commits are under scrutiny and thus sinful. This is a significant point in that the writings that have been cited thus far condemn the actions of people and in this way there is a "clear distinction between homosexual acts and a condition in a person attracting them to these acts."{{ref|3}} In essence, these writings aim their attention to the acts of people engaged in this type of activity. A nice summary statement that can be offered: "The Orthodox Church does not condemn the person who keeps this propensity [homosexuality] in check, and ministers to homosexuals who wish to find release from this inclination."{{ref|2}} Again, this is significant because it points to the Church's fervent desire to minister to those committing these acts. As is the case with other sinful acts and the combating of the passions there has to be a sincere acceptance that this behavior is wrong coupled with an equally sincere desire for correction through [[prayer]] and [[repentance]]We are reminded of Christ's own words to the paralytic ([[Gospel of John|John]] 5:6): "Do you wish to be made whole?" Therefore there is a direct correlation between homosexuality, in the Church's view, with adultery, fornication, or any other sexually abusive behavior that is sinful. The definition cited by Fr. Harakas contains some key words in it that give us an insight as to how homosexuality and these other behaviors are viewed. In essence, because homosexuality is "psychosexual" therefore, it is a combination of a mindset (which is contrary to Church teaching) that manifests itself in sinful sexual activity, just as the other sexual sins mentioned beforehand. They are all, as Fr. Harakas notes, ''passions'', which even though we are created in the image and likeness of God, because of the consequence of the [[Fall]] of Man, now unfortunately possess. These sexually oriented passions are strictly dealt with and addressed as noted (Scripture, Canons, Patristic writings) because they are a threat to the Church's major theme and teaching of [[marriage]]. Its importance within the Church is shown by the fact that Christ's first [[miracle]] was performed at the [[Wedding of Cana]] (John 2: 1-11), forever sanctifying the [[sacrament]] of marriage. Although marriage is not the choice of all of the members of the Body of Christ (some choose [[monasticism]]), there can be no doubt as to its central importance within the Church and to it certainly being the ''only'' proper context within which one has sexual relations (for procreation). The bride and groom are joined together through the sacrament and become one flesh much in the same way the "Church is joined to Christ."{{ref|4}} Even during the sacrament itself, they offer their lives to Christ, to each other, and are symbolically crowned as [[martyr]]s.
===Social Ethics of the Issue===

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