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'''Jovinian,''' or '''Jovinianus,''' (died c.405) was an opponent of Christian [[asceticism]] in the 4th century and was condemned as a [[Heresy|heretic]] at [[synod]]s convened in Rome under Pope [[Pope Siricius of Rome|Siricius]] and in Milan by St [[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]] in 393.<ref>''The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church'' by F. L. Cross (Editor), E. A. Livingstone (Editor) Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition p.904 (March 13, 1997) </ref> Our information about him is derived principally from the work of St.[[ Jerome]] in two books, ''[[Adversus Jovinianum]]''.<ref name="catholic encyclopedia">[ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jovianus<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Jerome referred to him as the "[[Epicurus]] of Christianity".
<ref name="catholic encyclopedia"/> He was a native of Corduene.<ref>H. Schlagintweit, H. K. Forstner, ''Lehrgang Kunstgeschichte: Von der Antike bis zur Moderne zum Selbststudium der Kunststile'', 186 pp., Schwabe Verlag Basel, 1991, ISBN 3796508855, pp.371-372</ref>
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