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Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York

633 bytes added, 06:54, July 7, 2006
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*1963 May 24: The profession of faith by Archim. Philaret was received in the Archbishop's Chapel by Abp [[Sava (Rayevsky) of Sydney|Sava of Sydney]], Bp [[Anthony (Medvedev) of San Francisco|Anthony of Melbourne]] and Bp [[Dionysios (Psiahas) of Proussa|Dionysios of Nazianzos]] ([[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia|GOA]]).
*1963 May 26: Archim. Philaret was consecrated by Abp Sava and Bp Anthony. Due to protests from committee members of Sts Peter and Paul Church, Bp Dionysios was asked not to participate in the consecration.
*1964: Through the suggestion of Abp Sava, Bp Philaret was appointed First Hierarch of ROCOR.
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