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Primacy and Unity in Orthodox Ecclesiology

238 bytes added, 15:27, March 22, 2012
==Primacy and Unity in Orthodox Ecclesiology==
The question of universal primacy is a central ecclesiological issue of our time. According to [[Metropolitan ]] [[John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon]], "The issue of primacy is perhaps the most important ecumenical problem."{{ref|1}} A recent agreed statement of the World Councils of Churches shows that, while some degree of ecumenical consensus exists on the issue, much work remains to be done:
Whenever people, local communities or regional churches come together to take counsel and make important decisions, there is need for someone to summon and preside over the gathering for the sake of good order and to help the process of promoting, discerning and articulating consensus. Synods and councils of all times and in all churches demonstrate this clearly. The one who presides is always to be at the service of those among whom he presides for the edification of the Church of God, in love and truth. It is the duty of the president to respect the integrity of local churches, to give voice to the voiceless and to uphold unity in diversity.{{ref|2}}
==Primacy in Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue==
A joint commission of Orthodox and Catholic theologians recognized the prerogative, within the context of conciliarity, of "the bishop of Rome as protos among the patriarchs". [ Reference].The Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue reached the agreement in a meeting in [[Ravenna]], Italy in October 2007. This is not the same as saying, as some press reports of the document have suggested, that "the Pope has primacy over all bishops, though disagreements about the extent of his authority still continue". [ Reference]The commission went on to state that: "It remains for the question of the role of the bishop of Rome in the communion of all the Churches to be studied in greater depth. What is the specific function of the [[bishop ]] of the “first see” [[see]]” in an ecclesiology of koinonia and in view of what we have said on conciliarity and authority in the present text? How should the teaching of the first and second Vatican councils on the universal primacy be understood and lived in the light of the ecclesial practice of the first millennium?" (para 43). What is interesting here however is the apparent readiness of the Roman Catholic participants to consider the possibility of interpreting the decisions of the two Vatican councils (including presumably the statements of Vatican 1 on papal primacy) in the light of eccleisal practise of the first millennium.
Papal primacy is often recognized as the greatest single issue dividing the Eastern and Western churches. Fr. [[John Meyendorff ]] wrote that "The whole ecclesiological debate between East and West is thus reducible to the issue of whether the faith depends on Peter, or Peter on the faith."{{ref|3}} Pope Paul VI said that "the pope…is undoubtedly the most serious obstacle on the path of [[ecumenism]]."{{ref|4}}
Primacy is an especially pertinent issue in Orthodox-Roman Catholic dialogue. This is not only the case because discussions of primacy naturally begin with the Roman Catholic concept as a point of departure, but also because of some important recent developments. In the 1995 encyclical Ut Unum Sint, Pope John Paul II wrote:
In order to provide some context, it is worth noting that an important concept underlying much of the ecumenical discussion on the subject of primacy is "communion ecclesiology." Popular in ecumenical circles, it has been enthusiastically accepted by Catholics and Orthodox, who are also responsible for laying some of its basic foundations. Zizioulas, for example, in his book Being as Communion draws on the Eastern Church Fathers to define Christian life within the framework of "communion."
The Orthodox-Roman Catholic Bilateral Consultation in the U.S.A. issued "An Agreed Statement On The Church" in 1974 which describes the basic premise of "communion ecclesiology": "The Church is the communion of believers living in [[Jesus Christ ]] and the Spirit with the Father. It has its origin and prototype in the Trinity in which there is both distinction of persons and unity based on love, not subordination."{{ref|6}} This is further illustrated in a document published in 1982 by the Joint International Commission entitled "The Mystery of the Church and of the Eucharist in light of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity."{{ref|7}}
The influence of this kind of ecclesiological outlook is fundamental to many modern discussions of primacy. For example, Zizioulas writes:
When John Paul II proposed the question, "Do not many of those involved in ecumenism today feel a need for such a ministry?"{{ref|9}} in 1995, many Orthodox answered strongly in the affirmative. The question of primacy is not only an important ecumenical topic, but a need to examine the issue is keenly felt within Orthodoxy. Fr. Meyendorff states:
::A united witness of the universal [[episcopate]] of the Church is not simply a pragmatic necessity, but a sign that the [[Holy Spirit ]] did not abandon the Church… the unity and coherence of [the Church's] witness, the service to the world which it implies, the common action which it requires, can be assured only if the episcopate remains one. The function of the "first bishop" is to serve that unity on the world scale, just as the function of a regional primate is to be the agent of unity on a regional scale.{{ref|10}}
The need for a united witness of the Church is a primary consideration. Many have called for renewed thinking about the very concept of primacy itself.
===The Theological Necessity of Primacy===
Orthodoxy has never accepted Rome's self-supported claims of universal jurisdiction, but has always rebuffed them. A closer examination, however, reveals the many subtleties of the issue. As Thomas FitzGerald wrote, "Orthodox theologians have not rejected the concept of primacy, but only its development by the [[Church of Rome]]."{{ref|11}}.
An understanding of corporate personality is important for any study of primacy. Zizioulas writes: "The idea of the incorporation of the 'many' into the 'one,' or of the 'one' as a representative of the 'many' goes back to a time earlier than Paul."{{ref|12}} More directly, he says, "Bishops are not to be understood as individuals, but as heads of communities."{{ref|13}} This would necessitate a single representative showing forth the unity of the episcopate. There is another important point here: that primacy belongs to a see, not to an individual. As Zizioulas states: "In an ecclesiology of communion, we have not a communion of individuals, but of churches."{{ref|14}}
The Orthodox understanding of primacy is rooted in the need for taxis. Meyendorff explains:
It is a fact, however, that there has never been a time when the Church did not recognize a certain "order" among first the apostles, then the bishops, and that, in this order, one apostle, St. [[Apostle Peter|Peter]], and later, one bishop, heading a particular church, occupied the place of a "primate."{{ref|15}}
Zizioulas says that the question of Roman primacy must be approached theologically rather than historically; if primacy was only contingent on historical developments, then it could not be viewed as a necessity for the Church.{{ref|16}} His question is, does Roman Primacy belong to the esse of the Church or is it only for her bene esse?
===Hierarchy and Concilliarity===
Fr. [[Alexander Schmemann |Schmemann]] wrote: "hierarchy is the very form of concilliarity."{{ref|17}} He sees this as mirroring the divine life of the Trinity. Hierarchy and concilliarity should not be opposed, but go together: "the hierarchical principle belongs to the very essence of the council…"{{ref|18}}, and Orthodox church government must be rooted in a "concilliar ontology."{{ref|19}} Zizioulas maintains that "The synodal system is a 'sine qua non conditio' for the catholicity of the Church."{{ref|20}}
Schmemann explains this well: "hierarchy is, above everything else, the mutual recognition of persons in their unique, personal qualifications, of their unique place and function in relation to other persons, of their objective and unique vocation within concilliar life. The principle of hierarchy implies the idea of obedience but not that of subordination…"{{ref|21}} He concludes: "To oppose these two principles is to deviate from the Orthodox understanding of both hierarchy and council."{{ref|22}}
Zonaras also mentions the prime importance of harmony among all, bound together by the bond of love.{{ref|33}}
From the time of the [[First Ecumenical Council|first Ecumenical Council ]] on, Byzantine [[canon law ]] had always assigned primacy of honor to Rome, for example [[Nicea ]] canon 6.{{ref|34}} Even when the capital of the Empire was moved to Constantinople, the "new Rome," the priority of the old Rome was safeguarded. Constantinople 3 states: "As for the Bishop of Constantinople, let him have the prerogatives of honor after the bishop of Rome, seeing that this city is the new Rome."{{ref|35}} Even when Anna Comnena, daughter of Emperor Alexis I, tried to interpret "after" in a purely chronological sense, she was corrected by both Zonaras and Balsamon, who maintained that "after" certainly shows hierarchical inferiority.{{ref|36}}
Meyendorff summarizes the "privileges" spoken of in Constantinople canon 3:
::…this ministry was always understood in moral terms, rather than in terms of formal power, or rights. The actual exercise of this power depended upon political circumstances, as well as the orthodoxy, the wisdom, and the prestige of the "first bishop" himself… it is only when the "Old Rome" decisively and consistently pretended to transform its moral "privilege" into actual jurisdictional and doctrinal power that the Orthodox East refused to allow it.{{ref|37}}
[[Chalcedon ]] canon 28 is also notable. It says, in part:
::The fathers in fact have correctly attributed the prerogatives to the see of the most ancient Rome because it was the imperial city. And thus moved by the same reasoning, [we] have accorded equal prerogatives to the very holy see of New Rome, justly considering that the city is honored by the imperial power and the senate and enjoying the prerogatives equal to those of old Rome, the most ancient imperial city, ought to be elevated as Old Rome in the affairs of the Church, being in the second place after it.{{ref|38}}
===In Summary===
Bishop [[Kallistos (Ware ) of Diokleia|Kallistos Ware]] points out two short formulae that may be helpful in summing up the eastern attitude towards primacy: "Among the bishops, the pope is the elder brother, in the absence of the father", and, "The pope is the mouth of the Church and of the episcopate."{{ref|49}} These two pithy sayings capture in many ways the approach many Orthodox would take toward this topic.
==Primacy within Orthodoxy Today==
Our historical understanding of Roman Primacy is one thing, but how do we understand the role of the Ecumenical Patriarch today? For, as Meyendorff states, "After the [[schism]], Constantinople was left with primacy in Orthodoxy."{{ref|50}} There remains a need to look at some of these difficulties posed by the question of the role of the Ecumenical Patriarch in the modern Orthodox world.
Surely it is not enough to rest on history. Fr. John Meyendorff states: "…since Byzantium does not exist anymore, it is simply meaningless to attempt a definition of the rights of the ecumenical patriarchate in Byzantine terms."{{ref|51}}
===Territorial Limits===
Too often, the "pastoral care of the diaspora" has seemed more like a ploy for power. The question of territorial limits is a hotly debated today. Based on a certain interpretation of the term "barbarians" I Chalcedon canon 28, the Ecumenical Patriarch has tried to argue in recent years for jurisdiction over the "diaspora." Troitsky and L'Huillier offer extensive treatments about the proper interpretation of this canon.{{ref|59}} Nevertheless, the question remains: Does Constantinople have a certain [[jurisdiction ]] over the "diaspora" not otherwise in the "territory" of another mother-church? Many would say yes. While shying away from the full brunt of the Constantinopolitan position, Lewis Patsavos defends this fundamental right to hear appeals, saying: "Constantinople has always maintained that the canonical legacy of the [[Fourth Ecumenical Council ]] proves without a doubt… areas not claimed by a specific ecclesiastic jurisdiction were under the authority of the bishop of Constantinople."{{ref|60}}
[{{note|1}}] [[John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon|John Zizioulas]], "Primacy in the Church" Eastern Churches Journal 5:2 (Summer 1998), p. 116.
[{{note|2}}] Commission on Faith and Order, "Faith and Order Paper No. 181: The Nature and Purpose of the Church: A stage on the way to a common statement" (Geneva: WCC/Faith and Order, 1998), p. 54 (§109).
[{{note|3}}] [[John Meyendorff]], Byzantine Theology (New York: Fordham Univ. Press, 1979), p. 98.
[{{note|4}}] John P. Galvin, "Comments on Metropolitan John's 'Primacy in the Church'" Eastern Churches Journal 5:2 (Summer 1998), p. 21.
[{{note|16}}] Zizioulas, "Primacy," p. 17.
[{{note|17}}] [[Alexander Schmemann]], "Towards a Theology of Councils" in Church, World, Mission (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1979), p. 177.
[{{note|18}}] Ibid., pp. 165.
[{{note|48}}] Ibid., p. 123.
[{{note|49}}] [[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia|Kallistos Ware]], "Primacy, Collegiality, and the People of God" in A.J. Philippou, ed. Orthodoxy: Life and Freedom, Essays in honour of Archbishop Iakovos (Oxford: Studion Publications, 1973), p. 199.
[{{note|50}}] Meyendorff, "The Ecumenical Patriarchate," p. 244.

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