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== Orthodoxwiki in Greek ==
Father bless. I have to apologise for my English and I'll like to ask you what i have to do to create the greek version of the Orthodoxwiki?
Your blesses and I hope for the success of the progect--[[User:Adolapts|Adolapts]] 04:34, May 8, 2007 (PDT)
== Romanian documents about ECOF==
Le Patriarcat Roumain
Le département des relations ecclésiastiques extérieures
A son Excellence l’évêque Germain de St Denis
Paris France
Nous portons à votre connaissance que le saint Synode de l’Eglise Roumaine, dans sa session de travail du 23 janvier 1993, a de nouveau examiné la situation de Votre Excellence et de l’Evêché Orthodoxe Catholique de France,
Comme Vous savez, en 1972, ce diocèse Français, à la demande instante de ses représentants, a été reçu par le patriarcat Roumain sous sa juridiction, afin de lui offrir, par économie ecclésiastique, la communion canonique de même que la possibilité de s’intégrer dans l’ensemble de l’Orthodoxie et de progresser spirituellement.
Peu de temps après avoir été reçu sous notre juridiction et après le sacre épiscopal de Votre excellence, au sein du diocèse et dans Votre activité commencèrent à se manifester. diverses erreurs d’ordre dogmatique, liturgique et de discipline canonique, ainsi que des enseignements et des pratiques contraires à l’orthodoxie universelle, qui ne firent que se multiplier avec le temps continuant à présent encore et étant maintes fois portées à notre connaissance.
Au long de toutes ces années, le Saint synode, dans l’Esprit de la charité chrétienne et de la tolérance à l’égard de votre excellence et du clergé et des fidèles de l’Evêché Orthodoxe Catholique de France, a fait de considérables efforts pour vous aider à faire remédier les erreurs et à redresser la vie religieuse de ce diocèse, afin que vous puissiez entrer dans la communion de l’orthodoxie universelle.
Par conséquent vous avez été maintes fois invité par le patriarcat Roumain de participer, accompagné par vos collaborateurs, à des discussions dans le cadre de diverses commissions synodales. Chaque fois ont été dressés des protocoles et vous avez signé des engagements et des déclarations (1974,1976, 1978,1979, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990), stipulant que vous allez vous intégrer dans l’orthodoxie universelle. Vous les avez cependant chaque fois ignorés et transgressés sciemment, faisant preuve de désobéissance et d ‘insoumission.
Etant donné que vous n’avez pas respecté les susdits protocoles, les déclarations et vos propres engagements de vous intégrer effectivement et sincèrement avec le diocèse dans l’orthodoxie universelle ;
Compte tenu de l’attitude permanente de désobéissance et de la transgression délibérée de vos propres engagements quant à l’observation et de la doctrine et de la pratique de la vie religieuse orthodoxe,
Le saint synode de l’Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine a décidé de retirer définitivement la juridiction canonique de l’Eglise orthodoxe roumaine à Votre excellence et à l’Evêché Orthodoxe catholique de France. Par conséquent, l’exercice de toute fonction épiscopale vous est désormais défendu. Toute correspondance reçue de Votre part à ce sujet ne sera plus prise en considération.
Il a été également décidé que les prêtres ou les communautés du respectif diocèse qui souhaiteraient maintenir les liens canoniques avec L’Orthodoxie universelle puissent s’adresser à cet effet aux juridictions canoniques orthodoxes locales.
Les susdites décisions seront communiquées aussi au conseil diocésain de l’Evêché Orthodoxe Catholique de France, aux prêtres appartenant à ce diocèse, au Comité Inter-épiscopal orthodoxe de Paris et aux Eglises Orthodoxes sœurs.
Avec le regret que le patriarcat roumain ait été contraint de prendre de telles mesures disciplinaires, nous prions le Seigneur de vous accorder son aide et sa lumière et de vous protéger dans la grâce miséricordieuse ;
Président du saint Synode
+ Théoctiste
Patriarche de l’Eglise orthodoxe Roumaine
Secrétaire du Saint synode,
+ Evêque Nifon Ploiesteanul
Vicaire patriarcal
No 9 /3 Janvier 2001
Après une suite d’erreurs de l’ex-évêque Germain de Saint Denis, le Saint Synode de l’Eglise orthodoxe Roumaine a été obligé de prendre la. décision disciplinaire de lui interdire l’exercice de toutes fonctions épiscopales. Cette décision no. 423 / 1993, ci-après annexée, a été communiquée aux intéressés par une lettre du 3 mars 1993, ci-incluse.
Pour expliciter cette décision du Saint Synode nous précisons que “retirer définitivement la juridiction canonique” et ‘l’exercice de route fonction épiscopale vous est désormais défendu” signifient du point de vue canonique que l’ex-évêque Germain est exclu de l’épiscopat (c’est à dire la déposition), et est réduit â l’état laïc et ainsi n’a plus le droit de célébrer la Sainte Liturgie, ni aucun office religieux, ni de effectuer des ordinations et dispenser les Saints Sacrements, ni de conduire une communauté cultuelle orthodoxe. Par suite il n’est reçu par aucune autre juridiction Orthodoxe.
Contrairement à la décision du Saint Synode de l’Eglise orthodoxe Roumaine, l’ex-évêque Germain, aggrave sa situation ecclésiale en poursuivant l’exercice des fonctions épiscopales, et ainsi tombe sous l’incidence des canons l’excluant de l’Eglise. Tout acte de culte et d’autorité excercé par un évêque après sa déposition sont nuls de fait et de droit (28eme règle apostolique et no. 4 du concile d’Antioche 74ème règle apostolique 9 et 17 du IV concile oecuménique et no. 15 du concile d’ Antioche). Les ordinations pourront être soumises par économie à l’examen de l’autorité canonique.
En continuant ses errements et passant au delà de toutes règles canoniques l’ex-évêque Germain, M. Gilles BERTRAND-HARDY, en se mariant est tombé définitivement de son état épiscopal et conformément aux Saints Canons la sanction appliquée par le Saint Synode pourrait être l’anathème, (no. 6 du VI concile oecuménique, no. I Néocésarée et no 12 et 48 du VI concile oecuménique).
En conclusion, par application des Saints Canons cités qui sont valabLes dans toutes les Eglises orthodoxes, l’ex-évêque Germain, M. Gilles BERTRAND-HARDY non seulement aperdu sa qualité d'évêque mais de plus encourt l’exclusion de l’Eglise orthodoxe,
Le secrétariat du Saint Synode de l’Eglise orthodoxe Roumaine
Evêque Ambrosie Sinaitul Vicaire administratif
P. Constantin Parvu
Vicaire Patriarcal
'''I hope you wont,like fr Lev, considers Romanian Orthodox Church like a liar, dictatorial church having made no canonical trial to B Germain before deposing him.
And all canonical dioceses in France: liar too ???'''
== ECOF ==
Binecuvinteaze parinte,
I think it is quite important to inform readers about the situation as it is. And, in France, all the canonical Orthodoxy considers ECOF being non-canonical, and bishop Germain deposed. You can ask every diocese, the A.E.O.F, St Serge Institute...
When a laity come to join a canonical diocese, what happens ? If he was a member of ECOF after 1993, he receive anointment of Myrron, the sacrament of Confirmation  or "Chrismation" as in baptisma. And then only he can receive holy gifts.
If it is a member of ECOF clergy after 1993, he is examinated by a canonical commission, and if there is no problems, is ordained by a canonical bishop.
That clearly means that for Orthodox Church in France (canonical one), ECOF is non-canonical and its sacraments after 1993 have no value.
It does not mean that situation is fair, that Germain and ECOF were wrong, but that's the situation, as it is.
Most, to say the truth, nearly all french orthodoxs were formed and instructed by ECOF, french traductions were done by ECOF, and still of a very high quality. Contribution of ECOF to French Orthodoxy is enormous and well known. There are ex-members of ECOF in all dioceses of canonical churches established in France, most french priests come from ECOF. French orthodoxs still grateful to ECOF, its foundators like bishop Jean, Maxime Kovalevsky (his litugical chant is still used for instance in Romanian Deanery)and all the work done.
Bishop Marc (Alric), vicar of Metropolitan Joseph, was a member of ECOF!
So, every body knows the true story of ECOF, and the subject stills touchy and painful to many french orthodoxs.
That 's why we cannot, to my opinion, let false or incomplete informations about its canonical status written.
People who want to join ECOF must know the truth, and choose to embrase the situation of canonical isolation, the western rite, difficulties about M.Germain must be accepted and so on. They can choose to fight this situation, by considering like fr Lev ECOF is right.
Forgive me and pray for me,
Glikerie of Neamt.
== content on wikipedia ==
Fr John - template added.  Which page is being lifted to wikipedia? &mdash; edited by [[User:Pistevo|<font color="green">Pιs</font><font color="gold">τévο</font>]] <sup>''[[User talk:Pistevo|<font color="blue">talk</font>]]'' ''[[User talk:Pistevo/dev/null|<font color="red">complaints</font>]]''</sup> at 17:29, May 17, 2007 (PDT)
Fr John you are considered host of this wiki. Please could you point out who is '''host''' on el.OrthodoxWiki? --[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 03:59, May 25, 2007 (PDT)
== el.orthodoxwiki ==
Dear FrJohn, thank you for promoting me in sysop status. You 've done it exactly at the moment I was ready to ask for it, for a short period, in order to translate some messages of the system. Please feel free to take it back when basic job is done and other more qualified persons arrive. In due time I should propose [[:el:User:kostisl]] appointed for sysop -if he wishes, starts and continues editing articles. He has already done excellent work on Orthodoxy in greek wikipedia, and he is the proper person I think for this kind of job, as it concerns special terminology about theology and orthodoxy.
I'm working on a systematic excavation -the first of the Aegean University- in Kymisala area, in Rhodes Island of Dodecanese, Aegean Sea. Please feel free to ask detailed informations when you need it for your friends. I 've met OrthodoxWiki long ago, searching links about Innocent of Alaska and Alascan Diocese in order to use them on Patrology Project (electronic publication of Patrology's texts) of the University. I came back because of a link in greek wikipedia, and I'll try to help as much as I can. I 've found it a splendid idea for Orthodoxy all around the world and here maybe is the proper place to thank all who are working toward this purpose. I must confess that I am not exactly the religious type, who is able to conform to a dogma. I prefer the mystical type of approaching Christ, that's why I consider other users fitter than me. I wish you the best--[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 09:01, May 25, 2007 (PDT)
== Deleted photos ==
Please restore the photos you deleted.  I am not doing it over again!!  I took the photos myself!  They are not from other sources.  http://orthodoxwiki.org/Orthodoxy_in_Hawaii {{unsigned|Nectarios}}
== Could you do me a favor? ==
Could you please restore the article of Archbishop Anthony of San Francisco?  I had received permission to post it from the author of the article, Fr. Peter.  I should have made that clear....sorry.
--[[User:Nectarios|Nectarios]] 12:19, May 31, 2007 (PDT)
:Hi Nectarios, I've restored the article and its images, both under our default copyright terms. If this is incorrect - if the author of the article or source of the image though they were giving a one-time permission for use on this site rather than a licensing under CC/GFDL, PLEASE let me know. Thanks! — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
== el.orthodox.wiki ==
Thank you for good words. Actually my interest at the moment is directed towards translating context, and localising system's messages. MediaWiki has not yet adopted all this work done in greek wikipedia, so we have to do it over and over again in every fresh wiki. I think that sooner or later this wiki will keep on going and what matters, as far as I'm concerned, is to offer a solid ground, upon which everybody is going to work without special difficalties. Something you could discuss for us with server administrator is timezone differences, if there is some way to solve this problem. I wish you the best--[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 13:08, May 31, 2007 (PDT)
el.orthodox.wiki is lost. Did you have any kind of changes in the database?--[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 09:23, June 4, 2007 (PDT)
There were some more problems but now I think it's allright. Thanks and best wishes--[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 12:59, June 4, 2007 (PDT)
'''[[el:User:Kalogeropoulos/Notebook|Notebook for non Greek speaking sysops and users]]''': You can find informations about functional pages, templates concerning OrthodoxWiki's context, translations completed or in progress, a kind of informal embassy. Pls feel free to add comments or suggestions. Considering OrthodoxWiki's POV a most sensitive matter, we are in need of an independent greek speaking reader-watcher. I wish you the best -:).
== Thanks ==
Father Bless. I must thank you for the honor of upgraded my account to sysop status. I hope that I'll be worthy of your trust.--[[User:Adolap|Adolap]] 07:37, June 9, 2007 (PDT)
== Moderation ==
Father John,
Your Blessings!
Would you mind removing all posts from the discussion section and keep a watch on the Orthodoxy in the Philippines page, please? The reason is that I feel that the posts have degenerated into personal attacks, gossip, and slander and that these posts are upsetting certain hierarchs.
== Orthodoxy in the Philippines ==
Dear Father John,
Would you mind deleting the entries on the discussion page and monitoring it a little more? The discussions about Antioch and Constantinople I believe are not appropriate for Orthodox wikipedia. Things should be kept on a scholarly and dispassionate level and the two persons, Filipino and Marcus, should not be discussing the issues mentioned because it is bound to upset a few bishops.
== Vandalism on the site ==
June 18, 2007, 9:20am PST
Good grief I don't envy what you're doing right now.  Thank you for adjusting pages.  Also note that the vandalism extended to the main page.
I wanted to contact you to tell you it was happening, but there doesn't seem to be a link to contact sysops.  (So I posted to the orthodoxy board on LiveJournal...and was immediately--and appropriately--chastised for directing people to pornographic images!)
On the one hand, awareness of how to contact you and your ilk would be helpful.  On the other hand, you're clearly on the case quickly.
Thank you.
ADDENDUM:  Sincerely,  Jeff ([[User:Jeffholton|<b>Jeffholton</b>]])
=== About vandalism ===
Coud you do something about recent vandalism. I believe that all users such as WarDemon is same person. It seams that he is changing his IP Adresses constantly.--[[User:Ddpbf|Ddpbf]] 09:42, June 18, 2007 (PDT)
:Hi guys -- Jeff, could you sign your posts with <nowiki>~~~</nowiki>? That helps me know who I'm talking to - thanks.
:Ok, now to business. I'm working on it. It's definitely the same person. It looks like this kid is on a dynamic IP connection (like DSL) through Verizon in New York. I'm on the phone with Verizon now. In terms of contact info, my email (and other information about how to contact me) is posted on my user page. I'm easy to find. I'll keep you guys updated if find out more info. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
:P.S. No need to mark these things with the deletion template, especially when there are a group of people now watching the recent changes page. Thanks to everyone for their work. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
:I don't want to post the details publicly, but this should be resolved soon. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
== OrthodoxWiki in Macedonian ==
Father John, I would like to start OrthodoxWiki in Macedonian language.
Could you help me? [[User:Iacovibus|Iacovibus]] 04:55, July 16, 2007 (PDT)
==Sysop status==
Thanking you for your confidence so far, I should kindly ask removal of sysop status. --[[User:Kalogeropoulos|Kalogeropoulos]] 08:14, September 4, 2007 (PDT)
== Hello ==
Fr. John, bless! Just wanted to drop a note to say a very belated Hello. I had the pleasure of visiting your parish the last Sunday in August, when I was in town for the RailsEdge conference. I'm a web developer by trade, and have worked off and on on wikipedia since 2001 or so. I'll try to spend a little time here as well. "Anything worth doing is worth doing well" eh? [[User:Theophan|Rdr. Theophan]] 08:05, September 22, 2007 (PDT)
==Holy Cross Articles==
Dear Fr. John,
your blessing.
I read your communication with Pres. Magda, about the Holy Cross articles.  I am the professor who required the students to post articles on the orthowiki.  My name is Timothy Patitsas, and i teach Ethics here in Brookline.
I would appreciate your advice on how to improve the work that my students ultimately post on the orthowiki, as the results last spring (the first time I have attempted this), were not up to the standards I had hoped.  Should I have them submit hard copies to me first, and then pick only those which are the best to be posted?
Timothy Patitsas
[[User:Seoul|Seoul]] 19:22, November 2, 2007 (PDT)
==OrthodoxWiki in Spanish==
Dear FrJohn,
I am writing because I want to express my congratulations for your idea of creating a Spanish version of OrthodoxWiki. Although let me tell you I am a little amazed about the existence of OrthodoxWiki in a language spoken in countries that hardly have orthodox believers. However I think OrthodoxWiki may give useful information about the Orthodox Church, an important branch of Christianity that is almost unknown in Spain and Latin America. 
I am not an orthodox Christian, but I am interested in this church. For that I hope to contribute with new articles in Spanish and English for OrthodoxWiki.
The grace of our Lord  Jesus Christ be with you!
--[[User:juanmanuelarcia|'''<font color="#999900">Juan<font color="#110099">manuel<font color="#990011">arcia</font></font></font>''']] 14:02, November 18, 2007 (UTC)
==OrthodoxWiki in Russian and Drevo==
Father John, hello! In Russian, we have russian huge orthodox wiki called [http://drevo.pravbeseda.org drevo]. What do you think about posting an article by me, both to the drevo and here (orthodoxwiki)? Which licence must I use? [[User:Зануда|Зануда]] 04:05, November 24, 2007 (PST)
:Hello Зануда!, This would be wonderful. I think, when we were launching [http://ru.orthodoxwiki.org ru.orthodoxwiki.org], I looked for other Russian-language wikis and found two or three, but was not able to figure out what licenses they were using. (Not reading Russian did not help!) I suppose that copyright law is not as developed (at least in the public consciousness) in Russia? It seems that our own Russian wiki is not doing very well -- it does not have much support or content. I would be very happy to join efforts with a wiki project in Russian, provided that our licenses were compatible.
:OrthodoxWiki licenses content by default under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/ -- unfortunately they haven't made this available in Russian yet, but there is a description of the "porting" process at http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Worldwide_Overview) as well as a [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html GNU Free Doc License] (just like Wikipedia). We allow use under either license for maximum flexibility and compatibility.
:All that said, you would be very welcome to post an article both here, under our default license, and there, under whatever license you choose. As the creator of the content, you may choose to license it in various ways. Thank you for your interest in OrthodoxWiki! — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk]) 10:53, November 24, 2007 (PST)
== Licenses ==
Dear Father,
I'm confused about whether we can import images which are currently under a CC license.  Specifically, [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Patriarch_of_Constantinople_throne.jpg this image] for the [[cathedra]] article.  The external links on the [[OrthodoxWiki:Copyrights]] page indicate we have as part of our dual-license the 2.5 version of the CC; should that link be updated?  Also, if, when we hammer things out for a particular license or site (such as we have done with Wikipedia), perhaps we could put a "May I use information/image from X?" list which stipulates the various requirements per each source (or kind of source) for importing materials.  If so, what page and/or category would be a good place for that?  (We might also want to make clear what sources are not acceptable.)
In Christ,
:Magda, Good to hear from you and its a good question. We've allowed all kinds of licensed material here in the past SO LONG AS the one who posts it has the right to post it here. For example, CC content allows third party distribution, as long as the terms of the license are made clear and proper attribution is made (so the Image page should contain the appropriate license template as well as cite the source). Regular copyrighted content has been allowed if posted by the author or someone with explicit permission -- however, I'd like to see us move away from that and just use "open" content -- content which may be freely redistributed (CC licenses included). I know all of this is confusing for many (most?) people, so an overview page would definitely be helpful. If you'd be interesting in working on this, I think that'd be great, and I could check things over to clarify any issues... — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk]) 22:41, November 27, 2007 (PST)
==  Orthodoxwiki in Russian ==
Father bless. In advance I ask the application for my bad English. I user Orthodoxwiki in Russian. To my deepest regret the sysop of Russian-speaking version Orthodoxwiki does not appear any more on a site. Thereof it is impossible to execute change of Main Page and other protected sections. In this connection I would like to ask for you to allocate me with powers of the sysop as I can be useful to the project. My operational experience with various Wiki-encyclopedias makes more than 3 years. Besides I have enough free time and knowledge on a theme. I shall be glad to any answer.--[[User:Nikita|Nikita]] 10:10, December 28, 2007 (PST)
== FYI on multi-account ==
It looks rather like [[User:Westernritecritic|Westernritecritic]] and [[User:Ephremsyrianos|Ephremsyrianos]] are the same person.  &mdash;[[User:ASDamick|<font size="3.5" color="green" face="Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman">Fr. Andrew</font>]] <sup>[[User_talk:ASDamick|<font color="red">talk</font>]]</sup> <small>[[Special:Contributions/ASDamick|<font color="black">contribs</font>]]</small> 19:59, January 27, 2008 (PST)
== Uploading and commons ==
Yo!  When I uploaded [[:Image:Quick_to_Hear.jpg]] and included <nowiki>{{damickcopy}}</nowiki>, it didn't do all the inclusions correctly, e.g., putting the image in the right category and linking my username.
Thanks for what you do!  &mdash;[[User:ASDamick|<font size="3.5" color="green" face="Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman">Fr. Andrew</font>]] <sup>[[User_talk:ASDamick|<font color="red">talk</font>]]</sup> <small>[[Special:Contributions/ASDamick|<font color="black">contribs</font>]] <font face="Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman">('''[[User:ASDamick/Wiki-philosophy|THINK!]]''')</font></small> 18:41, February 12, 2008 (PST)
:Hi Fr. Andrew, yep -- inclusions can be a little tricky across multiple sites. You should make sure the template exists on commons and that the link there points to your user page here, I think. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
== HOCNA Metropolis of the Portland and the West ==
Metropolitan Moses is Bishop of Portland, not Seatle.  The address for the Metropolis os Portland and the West is http://orthodoxmetropolisportland.org/
== Internet community ==
[[List of Orthodox Internet communities]] has a link to http://www.orthodoxcircle.org/. Please check whether this is a login page for the same site or it's another one: http://portal.orthodoxcircle.com/ . If it's a different site, add it to the list. :) -- [[User:Alternativo|alternativo]] 11:14, March 2, 2008 (PST)
== Complaint about sysop Pistevo ==
In an ongoing dispute over the article related to m. John Zizioulas, subject sysop sided with one side in the dispute, instead of providing independent service, helping two sides to resolve issues. I understand that sysops are man with their own opinions, preferences, inclinations, etc. However, they should not mix that with the role they play on OrthodoxWiki. If they use their privileges to promote and endorse their private agendas, they are abusing them. If one is not capable to separate the two, one is not suitable for sysop function. Incapable sysops make more harm than good. I would like to appeal to you to come and mediate the dispute, at the same time revoking sysop privileges user Pistevo has. Thank you.
[[User:Cebactokpatop|Cebactokpatop]] 12:04, March 7, 2008 (PST)
== Western versus Orthodox information ==
Your Blessing Father John, thank you for your prompt reply. I understood your point and it is definately an issue that I am not qualified to discuss in depth because I dont have a degree in Theology and so do not know all about the writing relationships between the west and the east ... but I do agree with you that Orthodox Tradition is vital and as a simple person you can understand why I raised the question in the first place (I hope). [[User:Ixthis888|Vasiliki]] 21:42, April 3, 2008 (PDT)
== French ==
I'm all excited about the various languages.  Unfortunately, I don't actually ''know'' any of them, but with the help of the internet (how I wish google translate had Romanian!), I can perform simple matching tasks! —[[User:Magda|<b>magda</b>]] ([[User_talk:Magda|talk]]) 17:22, April 10, 2008 (UTC)
:This technology is just going to get better and better. Maybe Romanian will come soon! — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])
== OrthodoxSource ==
Dear Father,  I am getting an error when I try to log into OrthodoxSource:
:Your Internet Protocol address is listed on a blacklist of addresses involved in malicious or illegal activity. See the listing below for more details on specific blacklists and removal procedures.
:Your technical support key is: 4120-845b-1366-73cd
On the [http://www.ioerror.us/bb2-support-key?key=4120-845b-1366-73cd link] hinting that I might be able to "fix it [my]self," it says that "Bad Behavior" was involved.  I haven't run into this before, and was hoping you could help. —[[User:Magda|<b>magda</b>]] ([[User_talk:Magda|talk]]) 00:32, April 11, 2008 (UTC)
:Sounds like you're busted, Magda! I've disabled the extension for now, but if you send me your IP privately I can whitelist you if I enable it again. Thanks for your work. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk]) 01:09, April 11, 2008 (UTC)
Just thought I'd call your attention to [[OrthodoxWiki:Trapeza#St._Vlad.27s_pages this]].  I still get the same error message when trying it again today. —[[User:Magda|<b>magda</b>]] ([[User_talk:Magda|talk]]) 20:22, April 11, 2008 (UTC)
Sorry if I'm pestering you, but I'm interested in getting an update for the [[OrthodoxWiki:Localization#Appendix_B:_Active_Localizations|Active Localizations]] list. —[[User:Magda|<b>magda</b>]] ([[User_talk:Magda|talk]]) 04:00, April 12, 2008 (UTC)
:No pestering! It's good bug-fixin. I've fixed the SVS page issue. Let me look at the localization page a little bit later. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk]) 06:21, April 12, 2008 (UTC)
==Christ is Risen!==
[[Paschal greeting|Christ is Risen!]] - pls put this on the Main_Page. :-) --[[User:Inistea|Inistea]] 22:26, April 28, 2008 (UTC)
== the Geelong Monastery ==
Hi father, I apologise for modifying the article since I know you were responding to the requests of the Abbess but it felt like it was an "advertisement" rather than an encyclopedic article so I (didnt add any content) just sort of shuffled things around a little to make it look a little bit more like an article rather than a personal advertisment of the monastery. Hope I did an ok job ...plus the history of the icon has its own article so I added a link rather than have the information double-up since if any further information is added on the icon its modified once rather than having to hunt all articles talking about the "original" icon. [[User:Ixthis888|Vasiliki]] 07:30, May 7, 2008 (UTC)
:Many thanks, Vasiliki - I was worried about this too. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://www.orthodoxwiki.org/User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk]) 09:00, May 7, 2008 (UTC)
== Zizioulas page ==
Father, I have tried -- in good faith -- to edit the Leithart paragaph to make it both grammatical and more accurate. It could be read as you saying that certain Orthodox think, "Thus to differ from Lossky is to differ from Orthodoxy." But our noisy editor take you to be stating that you believe Lossky = Orthodoxy to be true, reverted my edit, and threatened me with your intervention. Perhaps you could visit the talk page and let us know your thoughts. Thanks! --[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 18:38, May 9, 2008 (UTC)
== Recurring abuse of the sysop powers by Fr. Andrew ==
Fr. John, I am regret to inform you about the new incidents of the sysop's abuses, as well as the new unauthorized edits of the John Zizioulas' article. I have spoken earlier about the Fr. Andrew's incompatibility with the role of the sysop, and that is ongoing problem that won't disappear. Also, if I may suggest to you... to put the article under your sole editing privileges. Thank you. [[User:Cebactokpatop|Cebactokpatop]] 13:34, May 15, 2008 (UTC)
== Complaint regarding actions of [[User:ASDamick]] as sysop ==
I would like to add my voice to those unhappy with [[User:ASDamick]] functioning as a sysop. In a recent disagreement with me, he has misused his position as a sysop by attempting to arbitrate (of course, in his favour) the dispute, leaving a very high-handed message on my talk-page. That is to say, he has been using his powers as a sysop to arbitrate a dispute in which he was involved. He clearly has done so as an act of retaliation within the context of our dispute, at a time whilst he had lost his temper and was not in the right frame of mind to perform duties as a sysop.
Here, essentially, the point is that a sysop should not act as judge of his own dispute; he should not misuse his position as a sysop to score points within a dispute he is having; and he should not perform tasks of a sysop when he has lost his temper. And although I have only been editing on OrthodoxWiki for a short time, this is not the first time I have seen him act in this way. Previously when he was in dispute with [[User:Cebactokpatop]] (with whom I certainly have no allegiance) he acted in exactly the same manner, leading you to overturn some of his actions. Therefore, I appeal to you to bring him into line.
I am not asking for him to have his status as a sysop revoked, but for you to make clear to him:
* Not to use his status as a sysop within a dispute in which he is engaged;
* Not to use his status as a sysop to arbitrate over disputes in which he is engaged; and
* Not to function as a sysop when he has lost his temper.
Moreover, I have seen [[User:ASDamick]] acting in a very high-handed way towards [[User:lxthis888]]. This only alienates people, needlessly. Please could you direct him not to talk down to others, clearly to others to whom he feels himself superior. I say this, because I appreciate the interjections I have seen you make in the past, which have been genuinely irenic and for the good of Orthodoxwiki. (I include here the interjection you made calling for me to be more careful with my language, which certainly put me back on track at the time.) [[User:Seminarist|Seminarist]] 22:43, May 23, 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for your response. I'd like to ask you directly - do you think it is appropriate for [[User:ASDamick]] to arbitrate over disputes in which he is personally involved? [[User:Seminarist|Seminarist]] 01:41, May 24, 2008 (UTC)
: Just as a comment:  I'm not "arbitrating over disputes."  I'm saying, "Stop acting like a jerk.  It's not cool."  I don't care who does it to whom, even if the recipient might deserve it.  My general approach is simply to comment and talk with people I feel are getting out of line.  Only in what I regard as extreme a repeated incivility do I take action by making use of sysop privileges, and that only when the incivility is directed toward more than just me.
: Heck, I don't even know what the supposed "dispute" in question is!  I thought we were discussing what the best name for the article was and suddenly found myself the target of Yet Another Theory about hidden agendas, etc.  I should start notching my user page for every time I get one of those.  :)  &mdash;[[User:ASDamick|<font size="3.5" color="green" face="Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman">Fr. Andrew</font>]] <sup>[[User_talk:ASDamick|<font color="red">talk</font>]]</sup> <small>[[Special:Contributions/ASDamick|<font color="black">contribs</font>]] <font face="Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman">('''[[User:ASDamick/Wiki-philosophy|THINK!]]''')</font></small> 02:56, May 29, 2008 (UTC)
::Good points, Fr. Andrew. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([http://orthodoxwiki.org/index.php?title=User_talk:FrJohn&action=edit&section=new talk])

Revision as of 03:27, May 29, 2008

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