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Midnight Office

4 bytes added, 01:05, April 21, 2010
The '''Midnight Office''' (Greek, ''Mesonyktikon''; [[Church Slavonic|Slavonic]], ''Polúnoschnitsa'') is part of the [[Daily Cycle]] of services in the Orthodox Church. The office originated as a purely [[monasticism|monastic]] devotion inspired by [;&version=9; Psalm 118:62 (119:62 KJV)], "At midnight I arose to give thanks unto Thee for the judgments of Thy righteousness," and also by the Gospel [[parable ]] of the Wise and Foolish Virgins [;&version=9; (Matthew 25:1-13)].<ref>Throughout this article, the Septuagint numbering of the Psalms is used.</ref>
The name of the Midnight Office is sometimes translated as "Nocturns," a term borrowed from the Western liturgical tradition; but it should be noted that in the West "Nocturn" refers to a division within the completely different office of Matins.

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