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45 bytes added, 16:23, January 5, 2008
Lust and temptation
But why is masturbation a sin? In contrast to adultery or rape, what harm does it do? One answer is that a masturbator is probably also entertaining lustful thoughts--precisely the sin mentioned by Christ. But might one legitimately fantasize about one's spouse, or intended spouse? Or masturbate without thinking about anything at all? Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the question is not mentioned in the creeds, nor has Orthodoxy produced the equivalent of papal [[encyclical]] capable of finally deciding the matter.
The principle that sinful thoughts lead to sinful actions is widely recognized. It may be that some thoughts are not so much sinful as wasteful of time and energy; and that an Orthodox believer will naturally try to fill his or her life with positive influences, focusing on those things which truly matter.
If lust is to be avoided, then how are Orthodox believers to approach courtship, dating, romance, and falling in love? Obviously, it is natural for such couples to feel sexual attraction for one another, and as long as this is the "price" of marriage, such feelings must be conceded to be good. What, then does the Church have to say about kissing--not to speak of progressively greater forms of non-marital intimacy? The answer is that various authorities have thundered against all such lapses; lovers have generally ignored their advice; and spiritual fathers try to manage such situations as best they can.

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