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597 bytes added, 14:27, December 16, 2010
Although Arianism carries Arius's name, its doctrines did not entirely originate with him. Lucian of Antioch, Arius's teacher and mentor, was accused by Bishop Alexander of being the source for Arius's heretical teachings&mdash;not so much that Lucian had taught Arianism ''per se'', but rather that he possessed certain heretical tendencies which he passed on to his pupil, Arius.<ref>Vasiliev, A. [ Arianism and the Council of Nicaea], from ''History of the Byzantine Empire'', Chapter One. Retrieved on 2010-02-02.</ref> Indeed, the noted Russian historian Alexander Vasiliev refers to Lucian as ''"the Arius before Arius"''.<ref>Vasiliev, A. [ Arianism and the Council of Nicaea], from ''History of the Byzantine Empire'', Chapter One. Retrieved on 2010-02-02.</ref>
While Arius developed a following among some Syrian prelates, an Alexandrian [[synod ]] of some 100 bishops summoned by Bishop Alexander condemned him in 321. He was [[excommunication|excommunicated]], and fled to Palestine. There he entered into a friendship with [[Eusebius of Nicomedia]]. Arius, a proficient writer, produced many compositions in both prose and verse defending his belief, including a poem that he called the ''Thalia''. Most of these writings were destroyed as being heretical, though portions of the ''Thalia'' and a few other Arian texts survive.
==The Council of Nicea==
In opposition to Arius, Alexander of Alexandria presented his case to [[Alexander of Constantinople]] and [[Eusebius of Nicomedia]], where the emperor was in residence. Although the emperor sent a legate to resolve the controversy and publically called upon Arius and Alexander to settle their differences, the dispute was of such a nature as to preclude any compromise. Accordingly, the arguments between Arius and his opponents continued, becoming such a powerful divisive force within the Roman empire that Constantine could no longer abide them. To settle the dilemma once and for all, he called a [[synod|council]] with delegates drawn from all the empire. The purpose of this, the [[First Ecumenical Council|First Council of Nicea]], was to determine as far as possible what had been taught by Jesus Christ and His [[Apostles]]. The Council met in Nicea, near Constantinople, in 325. Here, the confession of faith presented by Arius was cut to pieces. Guided by the emperor, the Council developed a creed, the [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed|Nicene Creed]], for use in catechetical instruction and at baptisms. Arius himself was condemned as a heretic, ; his [[deposition|deposed]] from the priesthood, and exiledexcommunication were confirmed, together with those of all his recalcitrant adherents&mdash;who were then exiled, together with Arius. One of the champions champion of Orthodoxy to emerge from this council was [[Athanasius the Great]], an Alexandrian deacon who would eventually succeed Bishop Alexander and become one of the Church's greatest warriors against Arianism, authoring one of its most famous Patristic polemicals: ''Against the Arians''.
Although the council seemed to have settled the Arian issue once and for all, concern remained over the use of the word ''homoousios'' that was used in formulating the case against Arius. Early, ill-defined definitions of ''homoousios'' were part of the arguments used in deposing [[Paul of Samosata]] in 269; at the time, these were considered to have Sabellian tendencies. In his polemics against Arius, Alexander of Alexandria refined the definition of ''homoousios'' to mollify these earlier objections.
==Later years and death==
With Constantine now favoring Arius, he commanded Anthanasius to readmit Arius him to communion. This Anthanasius refused, leading to charges of treason against the emperor and Athanasius's exile to Trier. Given Revelling in their new-found acceptance by Constantine, Arius's supporters began commenced disturbances in Alexandria aimed at taking power over the Church control there. The emperor now directed Bishop Alexander of Constantinople to receive Arius into communion. Opposed ; vehemently opposed to Arius's reinstatementthis, Alexander asked his supporters to pray for the removal of either him or Arius from the world before Arius could be re-admitted to communionthe Church. Incredibly, the one day before Arius was to receive communion, he suddenly died. Socrates Scholasticus reports that while parading through the streets of the Imperial City Arius was suddenly seized with pain in his bowels, barely making it to an outdoor privy before expiring due to loss of blood.<ref>''[ A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies]'' by [[Henry Wace]].</ref> While many Orthodox Christians&mdash;then and now&mdash;regarded his death demise as miraculous, many modern some scholars believe that Arius was actually poisoned by some of his enemies.<ref>Edward Gibbons "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", Chapter 21, (1776&ndash;88), Jonathan Kirsch, ''God Against the Gods: The History of the War Between Monotheism and Polytheism'', 2004, and Charles Freeman, ''The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason'', 2002.</ref>
Although Arius's death and that of Constantine a year later led to reduced debate, the Christological controversies eventually resumed. Ultimately, the [[Cappadocian Fathers]]: [[Basil the Great]], [[Gregory the Theologian]] and [[Gregory of Nyssa]], would provide a comprehensive Orthodox answer to the dilemmas raised by Arius, burying Arianism in the Church once and for all. Their doctrines were confirmed by the [[Second Ecumenical Council]] in 381. Arius is still considered by the Orthodox church (and most of the rest of Christianity) to be one of its greatest heretics; in icons of the First Ecumenical Council, he is usually often portrayed as lying prostrate beneath the feet of [[Jesus Christ|the Lord]] and/or the bishops.
==Arianism today==
Today, a so-called "Holy Arian Catholic and Apostolic Church" in England claims to proclaim Arius's teachings, even "canonizing" him in 2006. However, this body differs with its namesake on several crucial points, including its rejection of the [[Nativity|Virgin Birth]] and [[Resurrection]] of Christ, which Arius himself never questioned. The Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormon sects are often accused (especially the former) of being Arian; while both certainly exhibit doctrines which tend toward Arianism&mdash;which are rejected by the Orthodox Church as being heretical, along with many other teachings&mdash;each sect's [[Christology ]] differs somewhat from classic Arian doctrine.
No remnant of any of the Arian sects established in Western Europe or elsewhere is known to exist today.
==External links==
*[ Wikipedia : Arius] ''Wikipedia'' article on Arius.*[ Catholic Encyclopedia: Arius] ''Catholic Encyclopedia'' article on Arius.*[ The Complete Extant Works of Arius] From the "Fourth Century Christianity" webpage sponsored by Wisconsin Lutheran College.[]*[ St. Athanasius' ''Discourse Against the Arians''] From Arius's chief opponent at the First Ecumenical Council.

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