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Personal Conversion
Evangelicals accept the teachings in the Bible that Eternal life is obtained by Asking Jesus Christ to "forgive you of your sins and to come into your life". Some have called this a ''crisis experience,'' while others have simply understood as a spiritual reconciliation with God. It is also commonly referred to as being ''born again.'' Evangelicals differ in their understanding of the role and authority of Official State Churches, believing that the Bible predates the formation of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church, and understanding that the thousands of copies of the New Testament (both by themselves and lectionaries) demonstrates the widespread recognition and use of the New Testament in Early Christianity.
Unlike the Orthodox, [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]] and [[Anglican Communion today|Anglican]] churches, evangelicals do not consider baptism to be sacramental (valid) in its own right; Evangelicals often understand Baptism - as an additional imported artificial teaching - whenever it is combined with Salvation. Most evangelicals believe that Baptism - as taught in Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy - in Official Churches seems expresses a confusion about the nature of what (according to Evangelicals) is the basis for Eternal Life: personal belief and individual acceptance in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as the payment (atonement) for one's sins, Without any Additions to that understanding. Evangelicals see baptism as a symbolic action only, and a public recognition of one's personal faith - to take place After one has already converted.
===Scriptural Authority===

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