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John Chrysostom

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Included additional quote
“Wealth will be good for its possessor if he does not spend it only on luxury…; if he enjoys luxury in moderation and distributes the rest to the stomachs of the poor, then wealth is a good thing.” (Seventh sermon on Lazarus and the rich man)
'''On Evangelism'''
“There is nothing to weigh against a soul, not even the whole world. So that although thou give countless treasure unto the poor, you will do no such work as he who converts one soul. . . A great good it is, I grant, to have pity on the poor; but it is nothing equal to the withdrawing them from error. For he that does this resembles Paul and Peter: we being permitted to take up their Gospel, not with perils such as theirs — with endurance of famines and pestilences, and all other evils, (for the present is a season of peace;) — but so as to display that diligence which comes of zeal. For even while we sit at home, we may practice this kind of fishery. Who has a friend or relation or inmate of his house, these things let him say, these do; and he shall be like Peter and Paul. And why do I say Peter and Paul? He shall be the mouth of Christ. For [Christ] says, “He that takes forth the precious from the vile shall be as My mouth.” (Jeremiah 15:19) And though thou persuade not today, tomorrow you shall persuade. And though thou never persuade, you shall have your own reward in full. And though thou persuade not all, a few out of many persuade all men; but still they discoursed with all, and for all they have their reward. For not according to the result of the things that are well done, but according to the intention of the doers, is God wont to assign the crowns; though thou pay down but two farthings, He receives them; and what He did in the case of the widow, the same will He do also in the case of those who teach. Do not thou then, because you cannot save the world, despise the few; nor through longing after great things, withdraw yourself from the lesser. If you cannot a hundred, take thou charge of ten; if you cannot ten, despise not even five; if you cannot five, do not overlook one; and if you cannot one, neither so despair, nor keep back what may be done by you. Do you see not how, in matters of trade, they who are so employed make their profit not only of gold but of silver also? For if we do not slight the little things, we shall keep hold also of the great. But if we despise the small, neither shall we easily lay hand upon the other. Thus individuals become rich, gathering both small things and great. And so let us act; that in all things enriched, we may obtain the kingdom of heaven; through the grace and loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom and with Whom unto the Father together with the Holy Spirit be glory, power, honor, now and henceforth and for evermore. Amen.” (3rd Homily on 1 Corinthians)

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