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Methodius of Moravia

146 bytes added, 16:55, April 4, 2022
===Early Life===
Saint Methodius, [[Equal-to-the-Apostles]] and [[Enlightener]] of the Slavic people, was born in 826 in [[Thessalonica]]. The saint and his brother, [[Cyril of Thessalonica]], were born into a noble Greek family but decided to renounce their worldly honors to become [[priest]]s.
===Missionary Work===
While living the monastic life on the Bosphorous, the Slavic Khazar peoples asked that Saints Cyril and Methodius come and teach them the ways of [[Christ]]. After accepting their request the two brothers [[convert]]ed many while learning the native language of the people. This knowledge of the Slavic language allowed the two brothers to communicate with another Slavic group, the Moravians. These people had previously been taught Christianity by German missionaries but were unable to understand the mysteries of Christ due to a language barrier. In order for the Moravians to understand Christ's message, they needed people who were able to teach and conduct [[Divine Liturgy]] in their language. Before visiting the Moravians, Cyril and Methodius invented a new alphabet and translated the [[Bible]] into this new Slavonic language.
Upon visiting the Moravians in 863, the Germans mistrusted them due to their Eastern Orthodoxy and their knowledge of the Slavic language. Due to this distrust, the two brothers were sent to Rome, expecting condemnation. [[Pope]] [[Adrian IIof Rome|Adrian II]], instead, applauded their work, sanctioned the Slavonic Liturgy, and ordained Methodius and Cyril [[bishop]]s. Before the two brothers could return to the Moravians and other Slavic peoples though, Cyril died in Rome on February 4, 869.
Pope Adrian II later created the [[Archdiocese]] of Moravia and Pannonia at the request of Moravian and other Slavic princes. Methodius was named archbishop of the new diocese, which was independent from the German Church.
The [[saint]] then left for [[Constantinople]] and translated all of the [[Holy Scriptures]], except for the [[Books of Maccabees]]. Methodius also translated the [[Nomocanon]], or Greek ecclesiastico-civil law. Methodius had to continue struggling against the German clergy until his death on [[April 6]], 885.
==See also == *[[Cyril and Methodius]].
===External Link===
[[Category:Byzantine Saints]]
[[Category:9th-century saints]]
[[Category:Greek Saints]]
[[ro:Metodie de Moravia]]

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