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Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand

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The '''Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand''', headquartered in Wellington, is an [[eparchy]] of the [[Church of Constantinople]]. Its current primate is His Eminence [[Metropolitan]] [[Amphilochios (Tsoukos) of New Zealand]].
name=Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand|
hq=Wellington, New Zealand|
territory=New Zealand|
language=Greek, English|
music=[[Byzantine Chant]]|
calendar=[[Revised Julian Calendar|Revised Julian]]|
population=~9,588 (2001 Census, all Orthodox included)|
website=[ Greek Metropolis]
The '''Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand''', headquartered in Wellington, is an [[eparchy]] of the [[Church of Constantinople]]. Fr [[Myron (Ktistakis) of New Zealand|Myron Ktistakis)]] has been elected as [[Metropolitan]].
== History ==
<!-- placeholder text - 189x to 1924 is, so far, undocumented -->
In 1924: ''For more detailed history before 1970, the jurisdiction of New Zealand was transferred to the See [[Church of Constantinople]], who sent [[Christoforos (Knitis) of Samos|Christoforos]] to be the first metropolitan Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand. He served until 1929 when he returned to Samos, his homeland. The next metropolitan was [[Timotheos (Evangelinidis) of Rhodes|Timotheos]], and he arrived in [[January 26|26 January]] 1932, serving until he was elected metropolitan of Rhodes in 1947. He was replaced by [[Theophylactos (Papathanasopoulos) of Australia and New Zealand|Theophylactos]], who served until his death in a car crash on [[August 2|2 August]] 1958. [[Ezekiel (Tsoukalas) of Pisidia|Ezekiel]], then assistant bishop of America, was elected metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand in February 1959, and arrived on [[April 2|2 April]] 1959''.
On Before 1908 New Zealand, along with the rest of the Greek 'diaspora,' was under the omophorion of the [[September 1|1 SeptemberChurch of Jerusalem]]; but, in 1908, jurisdiction over New Zealand was transferred to the newly-recognised [[Church of Greece]] . In 1924, the parishes of Australia and New Zealand - by now Greek in character as well as in name - were formed into a metropolis under the [[Church of that yearConstantinople]]. In 1959, the Metropolitanate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Australia and New Zealand was elevated to Archdiocese, and Metropolitan [[Ezekiel (Tsoukalas) of Pisidia|Ezekiel ]] elevated to Archbishopwith it. Later, in In 1970, due to the [[Holy Synod]] growing size and needs of the Church of Constantinople separated Archdiocese, Australia and New Zealand from Australia, leaving were split into the [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia ]] under Archbishop Ezekiel, and the Metropolitanate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand, electing under the newly-elevated Metropolitan [[Dionysios (Psiahas) of Proussa|Dionysios]] to be the first metropolitan of New Zealand and [[exarch]] of Korea and Japan.
In 2003, Dionysios was promoted to the Metropolis of Proussa, promoting [[Joseph (Harkiolakis) of New Zealand|Joseph]] to be the second metropolitan of New Zealand. In 2004, the decision was made to separate the exarchate of Korea from New Zealand and to make it a metropolis of its own, leaving Metropolitan Joseph the sole hierarch in the Metropolis of New Zealand. In August 2005, Metropolitan Joseph resigned from his see, and has left New Zealand to reside in Greece. In October 2005, [[Amphilochios (Tsoukos) of New Zealand|Amphilochios]] was promoted to Metropolitan of New Zealand.
==OrganizationOrganisation ==The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand is a single metropolis with seven churches. There is also a monastic brotherhood, headed by the Metropolitan, centered at the archdiocese.
(No other information as yetThe Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand is a single metropolis with seven churches. The central church, the Archdiocesan Church of St Andrew the First-called, Miramar, is the headquarters of the Metropolis.)
== The Episcopacy ==
===Current Episcopacy===
* Metropolitan [[Amphilochios (Tsoukas) of New Zealand|Amphilochios]] of New Zealand, Oct 2005-present.
* Metropolitan-elect [[Myron (Ktistakis) of New Zealand|Myron]] of New Zealand, 2018-present. ===Previous Bishops of the Metropolis=== 
* [[Dionysios (Psiahas) of Proussa|Dionysios (Psiahas)]], Metropolitan of New Zealand, 1970-2003; Exarch of India, Korea and Japan, 1970-1996; Exarch of Korea and Japan, 1996-2003.
* [[Sotirios (Trambas) of Korea|Sotirios (Trambas)]] of Zela (auxiliary bishop in [[Orthodox Metropolis of Korea|Korea]]), 1993-2004.
* Metropolitan [[Joseph (Harkiolakis) of New Zealand|Joseph (Harkiolakis)]] of New Zealand, 2003-2005.
* Metropolitan [[Amphilochios (Tsoukos) of New Zealand|Amphilochios]] of New Zealand, Oct 2005-May 2018.
== See also ==
==See also==* [[List of parishes in the North Island (NZ)]]* [[List of parishes in New Zealandthe South Island (NZ)]] == External links ==
== External Links ==
* [ Official Website of the Metropolis]
* [ Official Website of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople]
* [ ''To Vema''] official site
[[Category:Orthodoxy_in_New_ZealandOrthodoxy in New Zealand]][[Category:Dioceses]][[Category:Ecumenical Patriarchate Dioceses|New Zealand]] [[fr:Métropole orthodoxe grecque de Nouvelle-Zélande]]
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