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Holy Order of MANS

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The '''Holy Order of MANS''' (usually abbreviated as HOOM or HOM) was a religious cult founded by ex-engineer Earl Blighton that started in the 1960s. It was based on another religious idea of Blighton and others called the [ Science of Man]. [ MANS is an acronym] for the greek Greek words:
In 1988, after denouncing the [[heresy ]] involved with the religious movement, many of its members and hierarchy joined a [[non-canonical]] group of the Orthodox Church under the name '''Christ the Saviour Brotherhood''' (or Christ the Savior Brotherhood; abbreviated as CSB). During the 1990's 1990s to about 2000, many members of CSB joined canonical jurisdictions [[jurisdiction]]s of the Orthodox Church.
A thorough Orthodox explanation of the [ journey of the Holy Order of MANS and Christ the Saviour Brotherhood] can be read in [ Again], Vol. 23, No. 1, January-March 2001, pp. 23-26
Paul Blighton usually directed ministry teams to obtain properties in bad neighborhoods where charitable work was most needed. Ironically, these neighborhoods tended to gentrify over time, raising the value of HOOM properties, far above the initial prices paid for them. One former HOOM member quipped, "You couldn't have come up with a better real estate investment strategy if you tried." One of the primary purposes of CSB at present is to find good uses for these valuable properties. Some have become monasteries or sketes, others have been given to Orthodox parishes, and still others have become administrative or diocesan centers.
'''[ html Raphael House]''', a property previously belonging to HOOM was originally an integrated charitable activity of CSB, but was incorporated as its own California [ nonprofit organization] in 1991. [ It is under] the [[OCA]] jurisdiction.
=== Liturgical Practices ===
*Saint George Orthodox Church ([[Church_of_Jerusalem|Jerusalem]]) in [ Rohnert Park], CA. In particular, [ Father Phillip Tolbert]
*[ Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church] ([[Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada and Australia|Bulgaria]]) in [ Indianapolis, IN]. In particular, Father Stevan Bauman.
*[ St. John Maximovitch Serbian Orthodox Church] in Eugene Oregon. Their home page's html meta description tag (as of 2006-04-04) states that they are are affiliated with Christ the Saviour Brotherhood and St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood.
*St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Mission and Forerunner Bookstore, Reno, Nevada. No homepage is currently available. Rev. James Barfield and his wife Nina, were members of HOOM/CSB, originally involved with Raphael House in San Francisco, a HOOM property/operation.
*'''1974''' - Earl Blighton dies.
*'''1978''' - Andrew and Isjesian Rossi become co-directors general of HOOM.
*'''1983''' - Fr. [[Herman (Podmoshensky)|Herman (Gleb) Podmoshensky]] and Andrew Rossi of HOOM meet
*'''1984-1988''' - Rossi introduces some Orthodox liturgical and spiritual practices to members of HOOM.
*'''1987''' - Rossi attends meetings of the [[Evangelical Orthodox Church|Evangelical Orthodox]] bishops with Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Archdiocese
*'''1988''' - HOOM members, under the leadership of Andrew Rossi and Fr. Herman, joined a non-canonical jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church under Metropolitan Pangratios (Vrionis) of the Archdiocese of Vasiloupolis (Queens, NY). The name of the group was then changed to Christ the Saviour Brotherhood.
*'''2000''' - Members of Christ the Saviour Brotherhood join three different jurisdictions in America. The men's and women's monasteries that came out of the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood and some parishes and missions were received by Bishop Jovan of the Diocese of Western America, and Bishop Longin of the New Gracanica Diocese, both of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Many parishes and missions have gone into the Orthodox Church in America under Archbishop [[Dmitri (Royster) of Dallas|Dimitri of Dallas]], Bishop [[Job (Osacky) of Chicago|Job of Chicago]], and Bishop [[Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and Los Angeles|Tikhon of San Francisco]]. Several other parishes and missions were received by Metropolitan Joseph of the Bulgarian Patriarchate [source: Again article].

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