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Nectarios of Pentapolis

1,315 bytes added, 02:17, August 11, 2005
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The Feast Day of St. Nectarios is celebrated every year on 9 November. Thousands of miracles have been attributed to his intercession.
==Decision of the Holy Synod of the Greek Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa==
''Alexandria 15th September 1998''
''The Holy Spirit has enlightened the gathered members of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa, under the leadership of H.B. Petros VII, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, more than a century since Saint Nektarios, the great Teacher and Father of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church was expelled from the Church of Alexandria, to reach the following decision:''
''Taking into account the resolution of the Church to rank Saint Nektarios amongst the saints because of his innumerable miracles and his acceptance within the religious conscience of Orthodox Christians throughout the world, we appeal to the mercy of the ever-charitable God.''
''We hereby restore the ecclesiastical order of the Saint of our Century, Saint Nektarios, and grant to him all due credits and honors. We beseech Saint Nektarios to forgive both us, unworthy as we are, and our predecessors, our brothers of the Throne of Alexandria, for opposition to the Saint and for all which, due to human weakness or error, our Holy Father, Bishop of Pentapolis, Saint Nektarios, suffered.''
''By the Grace of God''
''Pope and Patriarch''
''of Alexandria and All Africa.''
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