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Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed

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External link: Corrected the English translation.
The '''Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed''' (also called the '''Nicene Creed''', the '''Symbol of Faith''', the '''Pistevo''', or simply the '''Creed''') is that creed formulated at the [[First Ecumenical Council|First]] and [[Second Ecumenical Council|Second]] [[Ecumenical Councils]]. It was defined by the [[Church Fathers|Holy Fathers]] of those first two councils (held in [[Nicea]] and Constantinople, respectively) to combat various [[heresy|heresies]]: notably [[Arianism]], [[Apollinarianism]], [[Macedonianism]] (also called Pneumatomachianism), and [[Chiliasm]].
Some scholars believe that the Creed promulgated by the [[First Ecumenical Council]] was based on an earlier baptismal creed used in Palestine (the Apostles' Creed), while others regard its more likely origin as being a creed issued early in 325 A.D. 325 in Antioch, a so-called "[[Syrian Creed]]."
The Creed as it now stands was formed in two stages, and the one in use today in the [[Orthodox Church]] reflects the revisions and additions made at the [[Second Ecumenical Council]]. Some centuries later, the [[Roman Catholic Church]] attempted a unilateral revision of the Creed by the addition of the [[Filioque]], thus being one of the causes of the [[Great Schism]] between Rome and the rest of the Church.
The [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Coptic church]] has a tradition that the Nicene Creed was authored by St. [[Athanasius of Alexandria]], whose theology was instrumental at the Nicene council, despite his being only a deacon at the time.
== The Creed of Nicea (325 A.D.325) ==
''We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of all things, visible and invisible;''
''And in the Holy Spirit.''
== The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 A.D.381) ==
'''In English:'''
''We believe in one [[God]], the [[God the Father|Father]] Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;''
''And in one Lord [[Jesus Christ]], the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, ; by whom all things were made:''
''Who for us men and for our [[salvation]] came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the [[Holy Spirit]] and the [[Theotokos|Virgin Mary]], and was [[Incarnation|made man]];''
In Arabic باللغة العربية
قانون أو دستور الإيمان
أومنُ بإلهٍ واحِدٍ ، آبٍ ضابطِ الكل، خالق السّماءِ والأرض، كلِّ ما يُرى وما لا يُرى.
وبربٍّ واحِدٍ يسوعَ المسيح، إبنِ الله الوحيد، المولود مِن الآبِ قبلَ كلِّ الدُّهور ، نورٍ من نور، الهٍ حقٍّ مِن إلهٍ حق، مولودٍ غيرِ مخلوق، مساوٍ للآبِ في الجوهر، الذي بهِ كانَ كلُّ شيء
الذي من أجلنا نحنُ البشر، ومِن أجلِ خلاصِنا، نزلَ من السّماء، وتجسَّدَ مِن الرُّحِ القدُسِ ومِنْ مريمَ العذراءِ وتأنَّس
وصُلِبَ عنَّا على عهدِ بيلاطُسَ البنطيّ، وتألَّمَ وقُبِر
وقامَ في اليومِ الثالثِ على ما في الكُتُب
وصعِدَ إلى السّماوات، وجلَسَ عن يمـينِ الآب
وأيضاً يأتي بمجدٍ ليدينَ الأحياءَ والأموات ، الذي لا فناءَ لمُلكِه
وبالرُّحِ القدُس، الربِّ المُحْيي، المنبثقِ مِنَ الآب، الذي هو معَ الآبِ والإبنِ مسجودٌ لهُ وممجَّد، الناطقِ بالأنبياء
وبكنيسةٍ واحدةٍ جامعةٍ، مقدَّسةٍ رسوليَّة
وأعترفُ بمعموديَّةٍ واحدةٍ لمغفرةِ الخطايا
وأترجَّى قيامةَ الموتى ، والحياةَ في الدهرِ . آمين
==External link==
*[http The Official Translation of the Confession of Faith adopted by the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America] ([[GOARCH]]) 
The word "again" after "On the third day..." Does not appear in the Greek version, nor in the Latin translation, used by the Roman Catholic Church.