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Alexander Men

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[[Image:FrAlexanderMen.jpg|thumb|Father Alexander Men (1935-1990)|238px]]
[[Image:FrAlexanderMen2.jpg|thumb|Father Alexander Men]]
Father '''Alexander Vladimirovich Men''' (1935-1990) was a [[Church of Russia|Russian Orthodox]] [[archpriest]], theologisian, preacher, author of books on theology, history of Christianity and other religions.
Father Alexander Men was murdered on [[September 9]], 1990 with an ax in a forest on his way to church. His funeral was held on the day commemorating the Beheading of St. [[John the Baptist]], who was "the voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord."
== Criticism ==Priest [[ImageDaniil Sysoev]] considered Alexander Men as [[heretic]], listing the 9 major beliefs, which incompatible with Orthodoxy:FrAlexanderMen2 # Manichaeism.jpg|thumb|Father Alexander - The doctrine of Satan's complicity in the creation of the world, the result of which was allegedly an evolution.# The doctrine of man as transformed ape. Contradicts the definition of five Ecumenical Council against [[Origen]] (there proclaimed that the soul and the body appeared at the same time. Regarding Men's teaching, his opinion was condemned by the Synod of the Moscow Patriarchate of 7.12.1935 in the case of Fr. [[Sergius Bulgakov]])# The rejection of the divine inspiration of the [[Holy Scripture]] (see anathemas of [[Sunday of Orthodoxy]]).# The rejection of [[original sin]] and postulating independence the death of human sins (see 124 rights. Carthage)# The rejection of the existence of personal [[Adam]] and the introduction of [[kabbalah]] teaching of Adam Kadmon.# Rejection of authorship almost all the Old Testament books (see anathemas against [[Theodore of Mopsuestia]] of [[5 Ecumenical Council]]).# In the teachings of the Church - the adoption of the [[theory of branches]] (condemned at Jubilee Council 2000).# [[Syncretism]] <...> condemned (along with [[theosophy]]) at the Council in 1994# Encouragement of magic and extrasensoric (in a lecture to students of extrasensory school) entails 25 years of excommunication from the Communion. And it is almost only guilt which dump on the priest at once two penalties - [[defrocking]] and [[excommunication]]. (Rules of [[6 Ecumenical Council]], Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, etc.) 
== Quotes by Father Alexander Men ==
* "I find more meaning in the wing of a bird and in the branch of a tree than in five hundred [[icon]]s. God has given us two books: the [[Bible]] and Creation." ― Fr. Alexander Men