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Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov

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'''Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov''', also ('''Slava ''') '''Sergeyevich Krasheninnikov''' ({{lang-ru icon|Вячеслав Сергеевич Крашенинников}}: , '''Вячеслав КрашенинниковVyacheslav of Chebarkul'''), born ; March 22, 1982 in , [[w:Yurga|Yurga]], [[w:Kemerovo Oblast|Kemerovo Region]], and died - March 17, 1993 in , [[w:Chebarkul|Chebarkul]], Russia, ) was a Russian boy who died from Leukemia at the age of 10, who is popularly regarded by some people as a [[Wonderworker]], having had a gift of prophecy during his life, and who has continued to work miracles after his death, according to local and popular accounts.
Up to the present time however he has not yet been formally [[Glorification|canonized]], and there has been controversy between the public The Russian Orthodox Church after careful study of his life and his statements rejected the church authorities in Russia surrounding possibility of his new [[w:Cult (religious practice)|cult]]canonization.
* "The killing of birds is forbidden - the birds are involved in the creation of time"<ref name="пророчества">{{ru icon}} [ Пророчества Святого Славика о будущем России » Логотип]</ref>
* When his mother asked him "Why do you talk to people mostly about hell?" Vyacheslav responded "in order to help them to avoid from going there; and because they are not yet ready to hear about Heaven."
* He warned people about the coming biochips and microchips which the new world ruler will introduce; they will be attractive global passports for the population, which will look like little grey plastic cards; in order to obtain this card, people will have to subject their right hand and forehead under machines which will mark them with the number (666). This was a warning that under no circumstances should anyone accept this number or mark, because this act will never be forgiven by God.
* He also warned about the coming world war, in which the Chinese would invade Siberia. But due to the use of genetic weapons, the Chinese will be subjected to massive collective mental disorder and will eventually withdraw.
* "The killing of birds is forbidden - the birds are involved in the creation of time"<ref name="пророчества">{{ru icon}} [ Пророчества Святого Славика о будущем России » Логотип<!-- Заголовок добавлен ботом -->]</ref>
==Popular Cult==
==Criticism of Church Officials==
In 2007 Metropolitan [ [Job (Tyvonyuk) of Chelyabinsk|Job (Tyvonyuk)]] of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust] set up a commission of inquiry into the emergence of this cult.
After the completion of the commission's work, he appealed in a letter to the bishops of the [[Church of Russia|ROC]] not to admit the [[veneration]] of Vyacheslav, referring to him as the fake-saint of Chebarkul. The letter says (translation):
<blockquote>Due to the increasing incidence of pilgrimages of clergy and laity of many dioceses of our Church to the city of Chebarkul to venerate the so-called "youngster Vyacheslav of Chebarkul", by this report we remind everyone that the person is neither canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, nor locally recognized. The cult of "the young man, Vyacheslav" is self-invented, contains elements of ordinary superstition, blasphemous attacks on the Church's teaching and is permeated by a group of anti-Church-minded individuals.<ref>{{ru icon}} Обращение митрополита Челябинского Иова (Тывонюка) от 30 октября 2007 г. по поводу почитания. [ «святого Славика»].</ref><ref group="note">{{ru icon}} В связи с участившимися случаями паломничеств духовенства и мирян многих епархий нашей Церкви в город Чебаркуль для поклонения так называемому «отроку Вячеславу Чебаркульскому» настоящим сообщаю, что данное лицо не является ни канонизированным Русской Православной Церковью, ни местнопочитаемым святым. Культ поклонения «отроку Вячеславу» является самоизмышленным, содержит в себе элементы заурядного суеверия, кощунственного посягательства на учение Церкви и насаждается достаточно организованной группой антицерковно настроенных лиц.</ref></blockquote>
The Commission rejected the possibility of formal canonization for Vyacheslav, mainly due to the fact that many of his statements do not correspond to the orthodox faith. In addition, according to the commission, part of the "prophecies" of Slava is only a free paraphrase of Hollywood fantastical movie<ref name="komissija">[ Заключение экспертной комиссии миссионерского отдела Челябинской епархии о почитании отрока Вячеслава Крашенинникова и деятельности религиозной группы В. А. Крашенинниковой — Л. Н. Емельяновой]</ref>. The Missionary Diocese of Chelyabinsk also issued a special brochure called ''"WomenRefuse wives's fables"''(«Бабьих басен отвращайся»), devoted to criticism of the cult of Vyacheslav.
The attitude of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia [[Alexei II (Ridiger) of Moscow|Alexy II]] in regard was to the veneration of Vyacheslav was also negative (translation):
<blockquote>We do understand the grief of the mother who has lost quite a young son. However, we note with bitterness that her next steps were intended to arouse public interest in the deceased child, and the creation of the cult of veneration as a saint, does not correspond to church doctrine and church practice of canonization, and veneration of the saints. The young man is not in need of religious veneration, and they had no grounds for declaring him a saint, but above all he needs the fervent prayers of his mother.<ref>{{ru icon}} []</ref><ref group="note">{{ru icon}} Нам понятна и близка скорбь матери, потерявшей совсем юного сына. Но, понимая и разделяя эту скорбь, мы с горечью констатируем, что последующие её действия, направленные на возбуждение в обществе интереса к покойному ребёнку и создание культа его почитания как святого, не соответствуют церковному вероучению и церковной практике канонизации и почитания святых. Не в религиозном поклонении нуждается покойный мальчик, легкомысленно объявленный Божиим угодником, а в усердной молитве, прежде всего в молитве о нём матери</ref></blockquote>
In 2010, the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church forbade the distribution through the church network of the books ''"OhAh, mama, mama mummy..."'' («Ах, мама, маменька…») and ''"God speaks through to His elected representatives..."(«Бог говорит избранникам своим…»).''<ref>{{ru icon}} Выписка из протокола заседания коллегии по рецензированию и экспертной оценке издательского совета. [ № 5 от 11 февраля 2010 года.]</ref> ==Considerations for Veneration==While noting the criticism of Church officials above, on the other hand it is also true that the canonization process of Saints has often taken many decades or centuries. For example, [[Matrona of Moscow]] who died in 1952 was canonized in 1999; [[John of Kronstadt]] died in 1908 and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in 1964, and by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990.
In another case involving the cult of a new saint, that of Russian soldier [[w:Yevgeny Rodionov|Yevgeny Rodionov]], who was executed in 1996 because he refused to remove his [[cross]], there have widespread calls for his canonization which have so far been refused by the church authorities; however well-known priest Alexander Shargunov has argued that an outbreak of people's love is enough for the truth, and that Yevgeny's grave works miracles, curing the sick and reconciling enemies.
<references group="note" />
::* {{ru icon}} В. А. Крашенинниковой. ''«Посланный Богом».'' Челябинск, 2007.
::* {{ru icon}} Л. Н. Емельяновой. ''«Бог говорит избранникам своим…».'' Великие Луки, 2006.
* Alexander Korenin. ''[ The Message of the Lightful Angel].'' PublishAmerica, October 16, 2012. 80pp. ISBN 9781462689972
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