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4 bytes added, 19:35, November 28, 2015
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I wrote an article entitled [ Sola Scriptura: In the Vanity of Their Minds], which laid out many of the theological reasons for my conversion. This article was published in the Christian Activist in 1995, and then was published in a revised and somewhat expanded form by [[Conciliar Press]] in 1996, under the title [ Sola Scriptura: An Orthodox Analysis of the Cornerstone of Reformation Theology]. This essay has been translated into [ Russian, Dutch, German, Serbo-Croat, Romanian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, and Swedish]. The Russian text was published as a [ booklet] by the [ Brotherhood of St. Alexander Nevsky in Nizhny Novgorod], in 2000.
I married Wendy Woo in 1988, who was baptized in 1991 and took the name "Patricia". I now have two daughters, Elizabeth and Catherine, and you can see them all in [ this photo] with Fr. [[Elias Wen]] (who turned 110 in 2006, reposed on June 9th, 2007, and was the oldest living priest in the Orthodox Church at that time).
I was ordained a deacon by [[Hilarion (Kapral) of Sydney|Metropolitan Hilarion]] on March 4th, 1995, and a priest by [[Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Manhattan|Archbishop Gabriel]] on January 14th, 2001.

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