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Template:December 7

Saint Ambrose of Milan

Holy Apostle Tychicus (1st c.); Martyr Athenodorus of Mesopotamia (304); Martyr Neophytus, by drowning; Martyr Dometius, by the sword; Martyrs Priscus, Martin, and Nicholas, near Blachernae; Martyrs Isidore, Acepsimas, and Leo, by fire; Martyrs Gaianos and Gaina, by fire; Venerable Ammon, Bishop of Nitria (ca.350); Saint Ambrose of Milan, Bishop (Ambrose of Mediolanum) (397); Holy Orthodox Woman Martyr, in Rome, by being burned alive, for refusing Arianism; Holy Orthodox Martyrs burned in the Temple, in Carthage, by the Arians; Holy 362 martyrs of Africa, martyred by the Arians: Holy 300 martyrs of Africa martyred by the Arians by beheading, under Huneric (ca.477-484),, Holy 60 Hieromartyrs, Priests, by having their tongues cut out (ca.474-476),, Holy 2 Hieromartyrs, Priests, under Huneric, by sawing (ca.474-476); Saint Bassa of Jerusalem, Abbess (5th c.); Saint Ignatius, monk, near Blachernae; Saint Paul the Obedient, of Cyprus; Venerable John the Faster, of St. Sabbas Monastery; Saint Urban of Teano (Urbanus), Bishop of Teano in Campania (ca. 356); Saint Victor of Piacenza, first Bishop of Piacenza c.322-375, defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism (375); Saint Anianus (Agnan, Aignan), fifth Bishop of Chartres in France (5th c.); Saint Martin of Saujon, a disciple of St Martin of Tours, founded the monastery of Saujon (ca.400); Saint Servus, a layman of noble birth, martyred under the Arian Vandal King Huneric (483); Saint Buithe (Buite, Boethius), founder of Monasterboice in Ireland (521); Saint Burgundofara (Fara), founder of Faremoutiers Abbey (657); Saint Diuma, Bishop of the Mercians and Middle Anglians (7th c.); Saint Philothea of Turnovo (Philothea of Thrace, Philothea of Arges), the Protectress of Romania) (1060); Saint John, faster of the Kiev Caves (12th c.); Righteous Gerasimos, Ascetic of Euboia, missionary of Greece in the period of the Frankokratia (ca.1320); Venerable Gregory the Silent of Mount Athos, founder of Gregoriou Monastery (Athos), (Gregory of Serbia) (1405); Saint Nilus of Stolbnyi Island (Nilus, monk of Stolbensk Lake) (1544); Saint Anthony, Abbot of Siya Monastery (Novgorod) (1556); Hieromartyr Sergius (1917); Hieromartyr Antonius (Popov), Priest (1918); Hieromartyr Andronic (1918); Hiero-confessor Ambrose (Polyansky), Bishop of Kamenets-Podolsk (1932); Hieromartyrs Sergius, Michael and Sergius, Priests (1937); Hieromartyr Nicephore, Deacon, and Hieromartyr Galaction (1937); Martyr John (1937); Hieromartyrs Peter and Basil, Priests (1941); Other Commemorations: Consecration of the Church of the Theotokos in the district of the Curator, Constantinople (5th c.); "Seligersk" (Vladimirsk) Icon of the Mother of God; Repose of Abbot Gabriel of Valaam (1910).