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Small vs. Little

A stylistic point: the opposite of "Little" is "Big", the opposite of "Small" is "Great" or "Large".

If we are not going to have "Big Compline" or "The Big Litany", I think we should stick with "Small" Compline, Litanies, and Vespers.

Bishop Kallistos uses "Small" and "Great" consistently in his texts, and I think he has probably the best sense of the proper use of English of any of the liturgical translators we have.

Frjohnwhiteford 19:47, April 10, 2007 (PDT)

Sounds good to me.
BTW, I got your note via email. Looking again over my books, I think you're right about Small Vespers being celebrated separately (but because of) the All-Night Vigil. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs 07:19, April 11, 2007 (PDT)