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Sotirios (Trambas) of Pisidia

9 bytes added, 21:24, February 12, 2006
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[[Image:Sotirios_of_Korea.jpg |Image of Metropolian of Korea]]<br><br>Soterios Trambas was born in Arta Greece on July 17, 1929. After graduating from the High School in Arta, he graduated from the Theological School of the University of Athens in 1951. He then served as an army officer for two and a half years, and then as a preacher and catechist for two years in the Middle School and High School.
On June 26, 1956, he became a monk at the Lemonos Monastery in Lesvos and three days later was ordained to the deaconate. On June 12, 1960, he was ordained to the priesthood and later that same year he became an archimandrite. From 1965 to 1968 he served as a chaplain in the Greek Army. Later in 1968, he was appointed to be the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Athens and also Dean of the Cathedral in Athens. In 1973, he volunteered to serve as Dean of the Church of the Holy Mother in Papagou, Athens.

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