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273 bytes added, 17:05, November 25, 2013
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Because Krsna Slava is regarded as the anniversary of the baptism of the family into Christianity, it is an annual reaffirmation of the family to its baptismal vows and the renewal of its ties to the Orthodox faith and church.
The commemoration of Krsna Slava was to Serbian ancestors one of the most important expressions of their Orthodox faith. So they always celebrated their Krsna Slava, regardless of how dangerous the situation. In our long suffering history, the state and freedom ceased to exist, but in our homes, the [[candle ]] of our Patron
Saint never was extinguished.
Slava’s wheat represents the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ reminded us that except a grain of wheat die it cannot rise again, even as it was necessary that He die, be buried, and on the third day rise again so that we all can triumph over death. The Slavа's wheat is prepared as an offering to God for all of the blessings we have received from Him; it also is to honor the Patron Saint and to commemorate our ancestors who lived and died in the Orthodox faith.
The Serbs in particular, but also many Albanians, Bulgars, and even Romanians and Greeks, observe not only their individual [[name day]] (onomastik), but also their family patronal feast, which is dedicated to the [[saint]] of the [[feast]] commemorated on the day in which their first ancestor was [[baptism|baptized]]. Families keep with great honor an [[icon]] of this saint or feast which is passed from generation to generation, and observe the day with a Krsna Slava Service at home, which is lead by the [[priest]], or in his absence, by the domachin (head of the family).
Various Serbian communities (villages, cities, organisations, political parties, institutions, companies, professions) also celebrate their patron saint: for example, Belgrade celebrates the Ascension as its slava.
Although primarily a custom of the Balkans, some converts to Orthodox Christianity in the West have also adopted the custom of having a family patron saint and celebrating the krsna slava service, oftentimes with its traditional Serb elements, on the saint's feast day.
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