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*[http://orthodoxresearchinstitute.org/resources/hierarchs/serbia/current.htm#ignatije_bishop_branicevo Listing] at the Orthodox Research Institute
*[http://orthodoxresearchinstitute.org/resources/hierarchs/serbia/current.htm#ignatije_bishop_branicevo Listing] at the Orthodox Research Institute
*[http://www.serbianorthodoxchurch.com/pages/s/ignjatije/index.html Listing] at SerbianOrthodoxChurch.com
*[http://www.serbianorthodoxchurch.com/pages/s/ignjatije/index.html Listing] at SerbianOrthodoxChurch.com
*[http://frmilovan.wordpress.com/2008/04/01/new-book-of-dogmatics-corrects-the-past/ Theological criticisms of Archbishop Ignatije?]
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[[Category:Modern Writers]]

Revision as of 20:52, May 2, 2008

Bishop Ignatije (Midic) of Pozarevac and Branicevo
His Eminence Ignatije (Midić) (Serbian: Игнатије/Игњатије Мидић) is the bishop of the diocese of Požarevac and Braničevo in Serbia.

Early life and education

He was born on October 17, 1954, in Knez Selo, Nis, Serbia. After primary school, he enrolled in the theological seminary of St. Sava in Belgrade in 1969, and he graduated in 1974. He then began attending the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in 1980. From 1981 to 1987 he studied at the University of Athens' Department of Theology under the supervision of Professor John Zizioulas. In 1987 he completed his doctoral thesis on The Mystery of the Church: Systematic and Historical Presence of the Mystery of the Church by St Maximus the Confessor and was awarded the degree of Doctorate of Theology. After 1988 he taught as a professor of dogmatics and systematic theology at the Orthodox Theological Department in the University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Monk and hierarch

In 1991 he entered the Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God (Manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodice) in Belgrade, where he was tonsured as a monk and later ordained a deacon and a priest. Finally, he was elected bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo in 1994 by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In the Church of Pozarevac on June 26, 1994, he was consecrated by the His Holiness Pavle, Metropolitan of Karlovac and Patriarch of Serbia in the cathedral of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Požarevac. Bishop Ignatije is the author of many studies, including the book Remember the Future.

Succession box:
Ignatije (Midić) of Pozarevac
Preceded by:
Bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo
Succeeded by:
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Bibliography of published works (in Serbian)

  • 1989. "ESHATOLOŠKA DIMENZIJA CRKVE I NjEN UTICAJ NA HRIŠĆANSKI ŽIVOT", Teološki pogledi 1-2, Beograd 1989. str. 77-91.
  • 1990. "PRAVOSLAVNA ANTROPOLOGIJA I SAVREMENI EGZISTENCIJALIZAM", Bogoslovlje, Beograd 1990, str. 33-47.
  • 1994. "ZAJEDNICA U LjUBAVI", Istočnik 10, 1994, str. 127-129.
  • 1995. "CRKVA I NjEN IDENTITET", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 13-28.
  • 1995. "PRAVOSLAVNA DUHOVNOST DANAS", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 29-40.
  • 1995. "OD BOGA KAO VIŠE SILE DO BOGA KAO LIČNOSTI", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 41-66.
  • 1995. "OVAPLOĆENjE I SPASITELj U HRIŠĆANSKOM UČENjU", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 67-83.
  • 1995. "PRAVOSLAVLjE KAO LEK PROTIV SMRTI", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 84-102.
  • 1995. "OD SLOBODE KAO BUNTA DO SLOBODE KAO BIĆA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 103-123.
  • 1995. "KRATAK OSVRT POVODOM IZLOŽBE IKONA SAVREMENIH SRPSKIH IKONOPISACA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 124-134.
  • 1995. "SAVREMENI SVET I PRAVOSLAVNA CRKVA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 135-148.
  • 1995. "SUDBINA, GREH I SLOBODA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 149-157.
  • 1995. "O IZVORU I SUŠTINI PRAVOSLAVNOG MONAŠTVA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 158-170.
  • 1995. "IZMEĐU MORALIZMA I NACIONALIZMA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 171-176.
  • 1995. "KRATAK OSVRT NA TEOLOGIJU SV. MAKSIMA ISPOVEDNIKA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 177-183.
  • 1995. "TUMAČENjE XIV BESEDE SV. GRIGORIJA BOGOSLOVA", Sećanje na budućnost, Beograd 1995, str. 184-215.
  • 1995. "O SABORNOSTI CRKVE", Sabornost 1, Požarevac 1995.
  • 1995. "O VASKRSENjU HRISTOVOM" , Sabornost 2, Požarevac 1995.
  • 1995. "LITURGIJOM SE GRADI CARSTVO BOŽIJE" , Sabornost 3-4, Požarevac 1995.
  • 1996. "POMIRENjE – SOCIJALNO-POLITIČKE DIMENZIJE" , Sabornost 1, Požarevac 1996.
  • 1996. "ODNOS SVETA I ČOVEKA SA BOGOM" , Sabornost 2-3, Požarevac 1996.
  • 1996. "O (NE)POZNANjU BOGA" , Sabornost 4, Požarevac 1996. (Otačnik br 1)
  • 1997. "ESHATON KAO UZROK POSTOJANjU CRKVE" , Sabornost 1-2, Požarevac 1997.
  • 1997. "ČOVEK KAO IKONA I PODOBIJE BOŽIJE" , Sabornost 3-4, Požarevac 1997.
  • 1998. "TEOLOŠKA OSNOVA CRKVENOG SLIKARSTVA", Sabornost 1-2, Požarevac 1998.
  • 1998. "STRADANjE KAO IZAZOV LjUDSKOJ SLOBODI", Sabornost 3-4, Požarevac 1998.
  • 2000. "DUH SVETI I JEDINSTVO CRKVE", Sabornost 1-2, Požarevac 2000.
  • 2000. "CILj VERONAUKE JE DA LjUDI UĐU U CRKVU" , Sabornost 3-4, Požarevac 2000.
  • 2000. "ODNOS CRKVE I CARSTVA BOŽIJEG" , Sabornost 3-4, Požarevac 2000.
  • 2001. "ISTINA SVETA I HRIŠĆANSKO OTKRIVENjE" , Sabornost 1-4, Požarevac 2001.
  • 2001. "REČ O MOLITVI", Predgovor molitveniku, Pravoslavni molitvenik, Požarevac, 2001.
  • 2001. "CRKVENI SLOVAR", Udžbenik za 1. razred OŠ, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2001.
  • 2002. "PRAVOSLAVNI KATIHIZIS", Udžbenik za 1. i 2. razred srednjih škola, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2002.
  • 2003. "ONTOLOGIJA I ETIKA U SVETLU HRISTOLOGIJE SVETOG MAKSIMA" , Sabornost 1-4, Požarevac 2003.
  • 2003. "PRAVOSLAVNI KATIHIZIS" Priručnik za nastavnike osnovnih i srednjih škola, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2003.
  • 2003. "PRAVOSLAVNI KATIHIZIS", Udžbenik za 2. razred OŠ, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2003.
  • 2004. "PRAVOSLAVNI KATIHIZIS", Udžbenik za 3. razred OŠ, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2004.
  • 2004. "PRAVOSLAVNI KATIHIZIS", Udžbenik za 4. razred OŠ, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2004.


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