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Fyodor Dostoevsky

75 bytes added, 00:53, August 21, 2008
Major works
* ''Идиот'' (novel) (1868) Translated as ''The Idiot'' by Pevear and Volokhonsky (ISBN 978-0375702242) and Garnett (ISBN 978-0679642428).
* ''Бесы'' (1872) Translated as ''Demons'' by Pevear and Volokhonsky (ISBN 978-0679734512), as ''The Possessed'' by Garnett (ISBN 978-1593082505), and as ''Devils'' by Michael Katz (ISBN 978-0199540495).
* ''Подросток'' (1875) Translated as ''The Raw YouthAdolescent'' or by Pevear and Volokhonsky (ISBN 978-0375719004) and as ''The AdolescentA Raw Youth'') (1875)by Garnett.
* ''Братья Карамазовы'' (1880) Translated as ''The Brothers Karamazov'' by Pevear and Volokhonsky (ISBN 978-0374528379) and Garnett (ISBN 978-0486437910).

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