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District of Hypsomatheia

The District of Hypsomatheia, also District of Ypsomathia  (Samatya), is one of five districts of the Archdiocese of Constantinople within the jurisdiction of the Church of Constantinople of which the Patriarch of Constantinople is the ruling bishop. The district is within the territorial boundaries of the city of Istanbul. The bishop in charge of the district is His Eminence Chrysostomos, Bishop of Myra.

List of Churches

The district consists of eleven parishes (churches).

  • Church of Ss. Theodores, Great Langa 
  • Church of St. Kyriaki, Kumkapı
  • Church of the Mother of God, the Hope, Kumkapı
  • Church of St. Menas,  Ypsomatheia (Samatya)
  • Church of the Holy Ascension, Ypsomatheia (Samatya)
  • Church of St. Nicholas, Ypsomatheia (Samatya)
  • Church of St. George Kiparisa, Ypsomatheia (Samatya)
  • Church of Ss. Constantine and Helen, Ypsomatheia (Samatya)
  • Church of St. Nicholas, Topkapı
  • Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Şehremini 
  • Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Belgrade Gate
