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Caesarius of Arles

107 bytes added, 21:22, July 15, 2009
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# The ''Regula ad Monachos'' and ''Regula ad Virgines'', drawn up by him for a monastery and a convent of his own foundation (edited by [[w:Holstenius|Holstenius]] in his ''Codex Regularum''; and by P. de Cointe in his ''Annales Ecclesiastici Francorum''). Trithemius, fixing the date of Caesarius much too late, fell into the error of supposing him to be a [[Rule of St. Benedict|Benedictine]].
# Of his sermons<ref>Forty were published at Basel in 1558; 46 in a ''Bibliotheca Patrum'', eitedat Leyden in 1677; 14 more in another ''Bibliotheca Patrum'' of [[w:Gallandi|Gallandi]], (Venice 1776; cf. [[w:Casimir Oudin|Casimir Oudin]] in ''Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclestiasticis'' vol. i. p. 1339); and 102, formerly ascribed to [[Augustine of Hippo|St. Augustine]], are by the Benedictine editors assigned to Caesarius (Appendix to vol. v. of the works of St. Augustine); others have been separately published by Baluz.</ref> a recent edition is M.-J. Delage, ''Césare d'Arles: sermons au peuple'' 1, ''Sources Chrétiennes'' 175 (Paris, 1971).
 # The only modern assessment of Caesarius, setting him in context, is :::William E. Klingshirn, . ''Caesarius of Arles: The Making of a Christian Community in Late antique Antique Gaul.'' (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press) , 1994.<ref>Full monographs of Caesarius were : :A. Malnory, . ''St. Césaire, évêque d'Arles.'' (Paris, 1894) and .:Arnold, . ''Cesarius von Arelate.''Leipzig, (Leipzig 1894). </ref>ISBN 9780521528528

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