{{english}} The holy, glorious and right-victorious [[Hieromartyr]] '''Gavrilo I of Pec''' (also ''Gabriel''; Serbian: '''Свети свештеномученик Гаврило српски''') was the Serbian Patriarch [[patriarch]] from 1648 to 1655. His [[feast day]] is celebrated on [[December 13]] ([[December 26]] in [[Gregorian Calendar]]).
Gavrilo was born in the Stari Vlah region into a noble family. Little of his early life is known.
He was Metropolitan of Smederevo until 1643. After this, he was elected [[Metropolitan ]] of Ras and Novi Pazar. He rebuilt the Monastery of the Holy [[Archangel|Archangels ]] near the Kovilje Mountains in 1644. After the death of Patriarch [[Paisius I of Pec|Pajsije]] on [[November 3]]/[[November 13|13]], 1647, Gavrilo was elected patriarch by the [[Synodsynod]] at Morača Monastery before the feast of the [[Ascension]] in 1648. He paid a large tribute to the Turks, as had other patriarchs had: 100,000 akchas(in theese times about 4000 pounds of sterling) . He visited Constantinople in order to gain protection for his flock.
When he visited Stari Vlah, he met the Russian nobleman Ivan Vasiljevič Šujski (княз Иван Василевич Шуйскый). Patr. Gavrilo traveled to Russia to ask for material support. He met Metr. Arsenije of Trebinje on [[Nativity|Christmas Eve]] Eve and went first to Valachia in Tergoviste to try to reconcile the Valachian Prince Matthew Besarab with the Cossack Hetman Bogdan Hmeljnicki. Patr. Gavrilo traveled again to Russia in 1654, and brought with him two books for printing: ''Lives of Serbian Emperors and Patriarchs'' and ''Typikon against Latin Heresy of Saint Nil Kabasilas''. He was welcomed by Patr. [[Nikon of Moscow|Nikon (Никон патряирх московский и всей России) ]] and Tsar Mihail Romanoff (цар всей Великой, Малой и Белой России Михаил Романов)Michael Romanov. He also participated in the famous Moscow Synod in 1658 in which Nikon's reforms were approved. He wrote to Serbia for the metropolitans to elect a new patriarch.
He returned to Serbia in 1659. On his return, he was accused by the Turkish Governmant government of being responsible for the Russo-Turkish War . Certain Jews also accused him of having converted several Jews to the Christian Faith. In their accusation, the Jews cited that he was attempting to convert the Turks. The Jews did this to enrage the Turkish authorities even more. Brought before the tribunal, he was condemned sentenced and sentenced to embrace [[Islam]]. After Patr. Gavrilo Gabriel refused, he was sentenced to death. He died in Bursa on [[July 18]], 1659. [[Presbyter]] Pavle took his [[relics|remains]] and buried them. He was entered on the list of Serbian [[saint]]s.
title=[[List of Patriarchs of Serbia|Patriarch of Serbia]]|
after=St.[[Maximus I of Pec|Maksim]]}}
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