Holy Cross Monastery (Castro Valley, California)

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Holy Cross Monastery from the East

Holy Cross Monastery from the East

About Holy Cross Monastery

Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery (also known as "Holy Cross Monastery") is a monastic institution of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) located in Castro Valley, California. See Map

The clergy of the monastery previously served under the omophorion of Archbishop Kyrill, who shepherded the OCA's Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio. Since the repose of Archbishop Kyrill during the summer of 2007; they now serve under the omophorion of Metropolitan Herman, who serves as locum tenens of their diocese until a new hierarch is elected and installed for their diocese.

Holy Cross Monastery serves Orthodox Christians of all ethnic backgrounds and all cultural traditions. Services are predominantly celebrated in English, but are often also heard in Romanian, Slavonic (Old Bulgarian), and Greek. Many Orthodox Christians with roots in Romania and Bulgaria regularly attend services at the monastery. Orthodox faithful of all backgrounds come here for weddings, baptisms, and other sacramental blessings. Elegant dining space and a covered portico are available for receptions. Spiritual day retreats have been held here by Orthodox Christians from the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) by neighboring Greek Orthodox parishes, and by many other Orthodox Christian groups.

Schedule of Services

Services at Holy Cross Monastery are usually conducted in the languages best understood by those worshipping with the Fathers, who can conduct services in Romanian, Slavonic ("Old Bulgarian"), Greek, or English as the need arises.

Saturday Evening 6:00 PM Great Vespers (The time for Vespers is subject to change; so please call before beforehand at 510-581-2778)

Sunday Morning 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy (preceded at 9:30 AM by the recitation of the First and Third Hours)

Services which are open to the general public are listed above.

Other liturgical offices are reserved for the monks and may be attended by special arrangement.

Contact Information:

Please respect the sacred solitude and quietude of the cloister and contact the Fathers before visiting at times other than Sunday mornings.

Address: 34580 Palomares Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94552-9622 (near 6.58 mileage marker)


Telephone: 510-581-2778 — Fax: 510-581-3836

E-mail: cybermonk@holycrossmonastery.org — Web: http://www.holycrossmonastery.org

Monastery Background

The Orthodox Church traces its history back to the original Church founded by Jesus Christ. It is the Church of the apostles,of the martyrs, and of the early Christians. Orthodoxia is a Greek word meaning "correct praise" or "correct teaching" and the Orthodox Church considers itself to be the bearer of ancient Christian Tradition.

Monasticism itself arose out of this spiritual fervor and devotion of the early Christian Church. The monastic life has always been an honored path for men and women to "deny themselves, take up their cross" and follow the Lord by devoting their lives to Him and becoming monks or nuns. (cf. Matthew 16:24). Taking vows of personal poverty, chastity, obedience and stability, they seek spiritual perfection by leading lives pleasing to Christ. In their imperfect way, they strive to serve him with a three-fold service of prayer, work and study. (For more on the scriptural origins of monasticism, see Come, Follow Me.)

Early Beginnings

Holy Cross Monastery began with its Abbot, Archimandrite Theodor. He always dreamed of founding a monastery one day for the greater glory of God. In 1965, while he was very young and after he had been ordained as a priest for just one year, his devout mother suddenly and unexpectedly fell asleep in the Lord. He was an only son and his mother left her inheritance to him; since she knew of his holy intention to build a monastery one day.

This legacy from his mother was the seed from which Holy Cross Monastery would one day take root, but it was not enough to acquire property suitable for a monastery. So he labored in the Lord's vineyard as a parish priest until he met his first disciple in 1970.

When he heard this young man talk about his interest in pursuing the monastic life, he asked him if he would be interested in helping him build a monastery. "The days when emperors, tsars, or kings will build monasteries for us are past," he said. "If we want a monastery, we shall have to build one ourselves." It was then, in 1970, that they made their holy vow that one day, by the grace of God, they would build a monastery together dedicated to the Holy Cross.

It took the monks nine additional years to save enough money to buy property suitable for a monastery, and then, in 1979, with the blessing of their diocesan bishop, they purchased a rural estate that would eventually be consecrated as Holy Cross Monastery. The monks themselves have performed most of the labor that has transfigured this rustic property into a frontier of Paradise. They have also stacked every stone in our retaining walls and planted the trees in the cloister precincts. The majestic redwood trees that tower behind our cross shrine were planted by the Fathers themselves from one-gallon cans in 1980, during the first summer following their arrival here.

Holy Cross Monastery thrives by the grace of God and through the hard work and professional employment of its monks. Although friends and supporters have given and continue to give donations to help further the Fathers' holy work, the monastery is self-supporting. The monks have never sent out appeals for donations and have never even passed a collection plate in their monastery chapel. Whatever friends, supporters, and visitors have ever given of their own free will has been gratefully and humbly accepted and used for the greater glory of God by the monks.

A Sanctuary Where God Dwells among Men

The Fathers do their utmost to make every visitor feel that their monastic dwelling is a spiritual home to anyone who comes to them for spiritual nourishment. Holy Cross Monastery exists as a haven of spiritual tranquility, tolerance, and kindness—not only for the local owls, deer, foxes, and raccoons—but for all who come to partake of the monastery's peace and befriend the Fathers. The beauty and harmony of the monastery and its environs speak for themselves and speak to the soul and heart of anyone who loves God, humankind, and nature.

The Lord said: "Foxes have dens and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head" (Matthew 8:20). In this tumultuous and tempestuous world, the Lord has few places in which to lay His holy head. Monasteries provide the Lord with sanctuaries of calm and quietude, where He can rest His holy head and where those who seek Him and love Him can embrace Him. One can sense that God resides and dwells among the monks at Holy Cross Monastery, where the monks strive and struggle in their imperfect way to serve His every need.


If after reading Come, Follow Me, you believe that you also may be called to explore giving your life entirely to God in holy monasticism, please contact the Fathers of the monastery at cybermonk@holycrossmonastery.org