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Revision as of 11:05, March 23, 2007 by Frjohnwhiteford (talk | contribs) (Roman Scholars referenced in this article)

Roman Scholars referenced in this article

I couldn't tell you off hand who's who without doing some digging, but I can tell you that the essential fact that are given in that section are the scholarly consensus on the historical development of the service -- You'll find the same things stated in the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. I don't think that there is any Orthodoxizing that is needed for that section.

-Fr. John Whiteford 3-22-07

Ok, but I wasn't disputing the message so much as the sources. Could it be rewritten without citing obscure Catholic scholars, maybe? Gabriela 20:47, March 22, 2007 (PDT)
The only ways I could see doing it are to either greatly abbreviate the section, and to just state generally the broad consensus of scholars, or for someone to re-write it, and cite more recent scholars who have covered the same ground. The first option results in less information... and I think the information is useful and interesting. The second option would prehaps be an improvement, but you would still largely (if not exclusively) be talking about the findings of non-Orthodox scholars -- unless there is someone who is familiar with contemporary Greek scholarship on this issue, which have some uniquely Orthodox ideas on the matter. -Fr. John Whiteford 3-23-07
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