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Theodoros the Great Ascetic

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#The goldsmith purifies gold by smelting it in a furnace. And a novice must surrender himself to the struggle for obedience and to the fiery ordeal of a holy life, learning with toil and much patience the practice of obedience. And once his old manners and habits have been melted down and he learn true humility, he becomes radiant, fit for heavenly treasures, for a life of immortality and a blessed repose whence 'pain and sorrow have fled away' (Isa. 35:10. LXX), and where gladness and continual joy flourish.<br>
#True inward faith begets fear of God. Fear of God teaches us to keep the commandments. For where there is fear, it is said, there the commandments are kept. The keeping of the commandments establishes practical virtue, the precursor of contemplative virtue. Of these fruit is dispassion. Through dispassion, love is born in us. Concerning love the beloved disciple said, 'God is love, and he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him' (1 John 4:16).<br>
#The monk's way of life is truly full of beauty and excellence, provided it accords with the rules and laws laid down by its founders and directors, taught as they were by the Holy Spirit. The warrior of Christ mus be above material things and detached from all worldly thought and deeds; for, as St Paul says :'In order to please the leader who has chosen him, the soldier going to war does not entangle himself in the affairs of his life' (2 Tim. 2:4).<br>#The monk, therefore must be detached from material things, must be dispassionate, free from all evil desires, not given to soft living, not a tippler, not slothful, not indolent, not a lover of wealth, pleasure or praise. Unless he raises himself above all these things, he will fail to achieve the angelic way of life. For those who do achieve it, the yoke is easy and the burden is light cf. Matt. 11:30), divine hope sustaining them in all things. This life and its activities are full of delight, and the lot of the soul that has attained it is blessed and 'cannot be taken away'(Luke 10:42).<br>#If you have renounced worldly cares and undertaken the ascetic struggle you should not desire to have wealth for distributionto the poor. For this is another tirck of the devil who arouses selfesteem in you so as to fill your intellect with worry and reslessness. Even if you have only bread or water, with these you can still meet the dues of hospitality. ven if you do not have these, but simply make the stranger welcome and offer him a word or encouragement, you will not be failing in hospitality. Think of the widow mentioned in the Gospel by our Lord : with two mites she surpassed the generous gifts of the wealthy (cf. Mark 12:42-44).<br>#These things apply to monks pursuing the life of stillness. But those under obedience to a spiritual father should have only one thought in mind - to depart in nothing from his commands. For if they achieve this, they achieve everything. But if htye depart from such strict obedience they will fail completely in the spiritual life and in every form of virtue.<br>#Since you are friend of Christ, let me give you this further piece of advice. You must aspire to live in exile, free from the conditions and ways of your own country. Do not be caught up by anxiety for your parents or by ties of affection to your relatives. Do not stay in a town but persevere in the wilderness, saying like the prophet: 'Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness' (Ps. 55:7. LXX).<br>#Seek out places which are secluded and far from the world. And even it there is a scarcity of essentials in the place you choose, do not be afraid. If you enemies should encircle you like bees (cf. Ps. 118:12) or perniciuous drones, assaulting you and disturbing you with all kinds of thoughts, do no be scared, do not listen to them, do not withdraw from struggle. Rather, endure patiently, always saying to yourself: 'I waited patiently for the Lord; and He heard me, and listened to my supplication' (Ps. 40:1.LXX). And then you will see the great things God does, His help, His care and all His forethought for your salvation.<br>#