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Timeline of Church History (Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453))

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Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453): 1411
==Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453)==
*1054 Cardinal [[Humbert of Silva Candida|Humbert]] excommunicates [[Michael I Cerularius of Constantinople|Michael Cerularius]], patriarch of Constantinople, a major centerpoint in the formation of the [[Great Schism]] between East and West; First Letter of [[Michael Cerularius]] to Peter of Antioch.
*1059 Errors of Berengar of Tours condemned in Rome; term ''transubstantiation'' begins to come in to use, ascribed to [[Peter Damian]].
*1064 [[w:Seljuk Turks|Seljuk Turks]] storm Anatolia taking Caesarea and Ani, conquering Armenia.
*1065 Death of [[George the Hagiorite]].
*1066 Normans invade England flying banner of Pope of Rome, defeating King [[Harold of England]] at Battle of Hastings.
*1066-1171 Beginning reformation of English church and society to align with Latin continental ecclesiology and politics.
*1075 ''[[w:Dictatus papae|Dictatus Papae]]'' document advances Papal supremacy.
*1077 The Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem and kill 3,000 citizens; Seljuks capture Nicea.
*1082 [[Council of Constantinople (1082)|Council of Constantinople]].
*1084 Antioch is captured by the Seljuk Turks from the Byzantines.
*1087 Translation of the relics of [[Nicholas of Myra]] from Myra to Bari.
*1144 Bernard of Clairvaux calls for a [[w:Second Crusade|Second Crusade]] to rescue the besieged Latin kingdom of Jerusalem; Kings Louis VII of France and Konrad III of Germany join Crusaders, but are defeated by Muslims; Muslims take Christian stronghold of Edessa.
*1147 Moscow founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki, a ruler of the northeastern Rus'; [[w:Roger II of Sicily|Roger II of Sicily]] takes Corfu from the Byzantine Empire, and pillages Corinth, Athens and Thebes.
*1148 Death of [[Anthony the Roman]], Abbot and Wonder-worker of Novgorod.*1149 On the 50th anniversary of the taking of Jerusalem by the First Crusade, Crusaders begin to renovate [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] in Romanesque style, adding a bell tower; in August, 1149, Abbot [[w:Abbot Suger|Suger of St. Denis]] together with [[w:Bernard of Clairvaux|Bernard of Clairvaux]] laid plans for a series of councils which would summon all of France to a new crusade to the [[Holy Land]]; this call to crusade included voices such as [[w:Peter the Venerable|Peter, Abbot of Cluny]] who demanded vengeance on the [[Byzantine Empire]] over the failure of the Second Crusade and had correspondence with [[w:Roger II of Sicily|Roger of Sicily]] calling for an expedition against [[Constantinople]].<ref>John Gordon Rowe. ''The Papacy and the Greeks (1122-1153) (Part II).'' '''Church History''', Vol. 28, No. 3 (Sep., 1959), p.318.</ref> *1156-57 [[Council of Constantinople (1156)|Council of Constantinople]] (Synod of Blachernae) is held under Patr. [[Luke Chrysoberges of Constantinople|Luke Chrysoberges]] to condemn the errors of Soterichus Pantengenus, patriarch-elect of Antioch, and of some others, who asserted that the Sacrifice upon the [[Cross]] was offered to the [[God the Father|Father]] and to the [[Holy Spirit]] alone, and not to the Word, the [[Jesus Christ|Son of God]].
*1159 [[w:John of Salisbury|John of Salisbury]] authors ''[[w:Policraticus|Policraticus]]'', a treatise on government drawing from the [[Holy Scripture|Bible]], the [[w:Corpus Juris Civilis|Codex Justinianus]], and arguing for [[w:Divine Right of Kings|Divine Right of Kings]].
*1164 Uncovering of the relics of [[Leontius of Rostov]].
*1166 [[Council of Constantinople (1166)|Council of Constantinople]].
*1170 Miracle of the weeping icon of the [[Theotokos]] "[[Mother of God of the Sign|of the Sign]]" at Novgorod; Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland; city of Dublin captured by the Normans.
*1173 Death of [[w:Richard of Saint Victor|Richard of Saint Victor]], prior of the famous Augustinian [[w:Abbey of St. Victor, Paris|abbey of Saint-Victor]] in Paris (1162-1173) and one of the most important mystical theologians of 12th century Paris.
*1176 [[w:Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm|Sultanate of Rum]] defeats Byzantine Empire in the [[w:Battle of Myriokephalon|Battle of Myriokephalon]], marking end of Byzantine attempts to recover Anatolian plateau; Al-Adil I, Muslim ruler of Egypt, suppresses a revolt by Christian Copts in city of Qift, hanging nearly 3,000 of them.
*1177 Latin King Baldwin of Jerusalem and his knights, with Templars, defeat Muslim army of Saladin at [[w:Battle of Montgisard|Battle of Montgisard]].
*1180 Last formal acceptance of Latins to communion at an Orthodox altar in Antioch.
*1182 [[Maronite Catholic Church|Maronites]], who assisted the Crusaders during the Crusades, reaffirm their affiliation with Rome in 1182; dedication of [[w:Monreale#The_Cathedral|Monreale Cathedral]] in Sicily, containing the largest cycle of Byzantine mosaics extant in Italy.
*1185 [[w:Second Bulgarian Empire|Second Bulgarian Empire]] founded; Death of [[John of Novgorodand Wonderworker|John]], Bishop of Novgorod.
*1186 Byzantine Empire recognizes independence of Bulgaria and Serbia.
*1187 [[w:Saladin|Saladin]] retakes Jerusalem after destroying crusader army at [[w:Battle of Hattin (1187)|Battle of Hattin]], and returns Christian holy places to [[Church of Jerusalem|Orthodox Church]].
*1231 [[w:Medieval Inquisition|Papal Inquisition]] initiated by Pope Gregory IX, charged with suppressing heresy.
*1235 Death of [[Sava of Serbia]].
*1236 Córdoba was recaptured from the Muslim army by King Ferdinand III of Castile, and the [[w:Great Mosque of Córdoba|Great Mosque of Córdoba]] was re-converted into a Christian church.
*1237 Golden Horde begin [[Church of Russia#Mongol Tartars over Russia (1237-1448)|subjugation of Russia]].
*1240 Mongols sack Kiev; Prince [[Alexander Nevsky]] defeats Swedish army at [[Battle of the Neva]].
*1242 [[Alexander Nevsky]]'s Novgorodian force defeats Teutonic Knights in [[w:Battle of the Ice|Battle of Lake Peipus]], a major defeat for the Catholic crusaders.
*1244 Jerusalem conquered and razed by [[w:Khwarezm|Khwarezmian]] mercenaries (Oghuz Turks) serving under the [[w:Ayyubid dynasty|Ayyubid]] ruler of Egypt Salih Ayyub, triggering Seventh Crusade.
*1245 First [[Councils of Lyons|Council of Lyons ]] in the Roman Catholic Church mandates red hat for cardinals and a levy for the Holy Land.
*1247 [[w:Ayyubid dynasty|Ayyubids]] conquer Jerusalem, driving out the Khwarezmian Turks.
*1248-54 [[w:Seventh Crusade|Seventh Crusade]].
*1270 [[w:Eighth Crusade|Eighth Crusade]] launched by King [[w:Louis IX of France|Louis IX]] of France.
*1271-72 [[w:Ninth Crusade|Ninth Crusade]] led by [[w:Edward I of England|Prince Edward]] of England to Acre, considered to be the last of the medieval Crusades to the Holy Land.
*1274 Second [[Councils of Lyons|Council of Lyons]] held, proclaiming union between the Orthodox East and the Roman Catholic West, but generally unaccepted in the East; death of [[w:Thomas Aquinas|Thomas Aquinas]], Latin [[w:Scholasticism|scholastic]] philosopher and theologian, author of the ''[[w:Summa Theologica|Summa Theologica]]''. *1275 Unionist Patriarch of Constantinople [[John XI Beccus Bekkos of Constantinople|John XI BeccusBekkos]] elected to replace Patriarch [[Joseph I (Galesiotes ) of Constantinople|Joseph I Galesiotes]], who opposed [[the Second Council of Lyons]]; 26 martyrs of Zographou monastery on [[Mount Athos|Mt. Athos]], martyred by the Latins.
*ca. 1280 ''[[w:Kebra Nagast|Kebra Nagast]]'' ("Book of the Glory of Kings") compiled, a repository of Ethiopian national and religious feelings.
*1281 [[w:Pope Martin IV|Pope Martin IV]] authorizes a Crusade against the newly re-established [[Byzantine Empire]] in Constantinople, excommunicating Emperor [[Michael VIII Palaiologos]] and the Greeks and renouncing the union of 1274; French and Venetian expeditions set out toward Constantinople but are forced to turn back in the following year.
*1285 [[Council of Constantinople (1285)|Council of Constantinople]] (Second Synod of Blachernae) discussed and rejected the pro-western interpretation of the Trinity as enunciated by Patr. [[John XI Bekkos of Constantinople|John XI Bekkos]], as well as rejecting the decisions of the Council of Lyons of 1274, and condemning the the Roman (Byzantine) "latinophrones".
*1287 Last record of [[Western Rite]] Monastery of Amalfion on [[Mount Athos|Mount Athos]].
*1291 Fall of Acre; end of crusading in Holy Land.
*1365 Crusaders under Latin King [[w:Peter I of Cyprus|Peter I of Cyprus]] sack Alexandria, Egypt.
*1378 Death of [[Alexis of Moscow]].
*1379 Western Great Schism ensues, including simultaneous reign of three Popes of Rome; death of the venerable [[Philotheus I (Kokkinos) of Constantinople]] in exile, an anti-unionist who opposed Emperor John V in his intent to negotiate re-union of the churches with Popes Urban V and Gregory XI.
*ca. 1380 English Church reformer John Wyclif writes that the true faith is preserved only in the East, "among the Greeks."
*ca.1380-1534 [[w:Lollardy|Lollard Movement]] in England; Lollards were effectively absorbed into Protestantism during the [[w:English Reformation|English Reformation]], in which Lollardy played a role.
*1382-95 [[w:Wyclif's Bible|First English Bible]] translated by John Wyclif.
*1383 [[Stephen of Perm]], missionary to Zyrians, consecrated bishop; appearance of [[Theotokos of Tikhvin]] icon.
*1391-98 Ottoman Turks unsuccessfully besiege Constantinople for the first time.
*1410 Iconographer [[Andrei Rublev]] paints his most famous icon depicting the three angels who appeared to Abraham and Sarah, the angels being considered a type of the [[Holy Trinity|Holy Trinity]].
*1411 Death of [[Niphon of Mount Athos]], proponent of [[Hesychasm|hesychastic]] theology and wonderworker.
*1414-18 Council of Constance in Roman Catholic Church represents high point for [[w:Conciliarism|Conciliar Movement]] over authority of pope.
*1417 End of Western Great Schism at the [[Council of Constance]].
*1422 [[w:Siege of Constantinople (1422)|Second unsuccessful Ottoman siege]] of Constantinople.
*1423-24 [[w:Council of Siena|Council of Siena]] in the Roman Catholic Church was the high point of [[w:Conciliarism|conciliarism]], emphasizing the leadership of the bishops gathered in council, but the conciliarism expressed there was later branded as a heresy.
*1433 [[w:Nicholas of Kues|Nicolas of Cusa]] writes his major work on church government, ''The Catholic Concordance'' (''De concordantia catholica''), a manifesto of [[w:Conciliarism|conciliarism]], advancing the notion of a constitutional papacy subject to the authority of a council representative of the different parts of Christendom, balancing hierarchy with consent.
*1439 Ecclesiastical reunion with West attempted at [[Council of Florence]], where only [[Mark of Ephesus]] refuses to capitulate to demands of delegates from Rome.
*1440-41 Encyclical Letter of [[Mark of Ephesus]].
*1448 [[Church of Russia]] unilaterally declares its independence from the [[Church of Constantinople]]; [[w:Vatican Library|Vatican Library]] formally established by Pope Nicholas V.
*1452 Unification of Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches in Hagia Sophia on West's terms, when Emperor [[Constantine XI Palaiologos]], under pressure from Rome, allows the union to be proclaimed.
*1453 [[Fall of Constantinople|Constantinople falls]] to invasion of the Ottoman Turks, ending Roman Empire; [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] turned into a mosque; martyrdom of [[Constantine XI|Constantine XI Palaiologos]], last of the [[List of Byzantine Emperors|Byzantine Emperors]]; many Greek scholars escape to the West with books that become translated into Latin, triggering the [[w:Renaissance|Renaissance]]. ==References== <div><references/></div>
* [[Alexander Schmemann|Schmemann, Alexander]]. ''The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy''.
* [[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia|Ware, Timothy]]. ''The Orthodox Church: New Edition''. (ISBN 0140146563)
* Dr. Kathryn Tsai. ''A Timeline of Eastern Church History.'' [[St. John of San Francisco Monastery (Manton, California)|Divine Ascent Press]], CA, 2004. ISBN 0971413924
'''From a [[Heterodox]] perspective'''
* Boer, Harry R. ''A Short History of the Early Church'From a [[Heterodox]] perspective'. (ISBN 0802813399) * Cairns, Earle E. ''Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 0310208122) * Chadwick, Henry. ''The Early Church''. (ISBN 0140231994) * Collins, Michael, ed.; Price, Matthew Arlen. ''Story of Christianity: A Celebration of 2000 Years of Faith''. (ISBN 0789446057) * Eusebius Pamphilus; Cruse, C.F. (translator). ''Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History''. (ISBN 1565633717) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon''. (ISBN 0687171822) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 2: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation''. (ISBN 0687171830) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 3: From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century''. (ISBN 0687171849) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation''. (ISBN 0060633158) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''The Story of Christianity, Volume 2: Reformation to the Present Day''. (ISBN 0060633166) * Hall, Stuart G. ''Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church''. (ISBN 0802806295)
* Hastings, Adrian, ed. ''A World History of Christianity''. (ISBN 0802848753)
* Hussey, J. M. ''The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire: Oxford History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 0198264569)
* Jones, Timothy P. ''Christian History Made Easy''. (ISBN 1890947105)
* Noll, Mark A. ''Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity''. (ISBN 080106211X) * [[Jaroslav Pelikan|Pelikan, Jaroslav]]. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600)''. (ISBN 0226653714)
* Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700)''. (ISBN 0226653730)
* Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 3: The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300)''. (ISBN 0226653749) * Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700)''. (ISBN 0226653773) * Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 5: Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700)''. (ISBN 0226653803) * Schaff, Philip. ''History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 156563196X) * Wace, Henry; Piercy, William C., ed. ''A Dictionary of Christian Biography: Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D. With an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies''. (ISBN 1565630572)
* Walton, Robert C. ''Chronological and Background Charts of Church History''. (ISBN 0310362814)