Agreed Official Statements on Christology with the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches
[hide]- 1 1988 A.D.---Between the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria [Egypt] and the Catholic Church
- 2 1990 A.D.---Between the Coptic Orthodox Church and Eastern Orthodox [Chalcedonian] Churches)
- 3 Eastern Orthodox Opponents of the Chambesy Union
- 4 His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on Eastern and Oriental Orthodox unity and the signedChristological agreement
- 5 See also
1988 A.D.---Between the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria [Egypt] and the Catholic Church
"We believe that our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Incarnate-Logos is perfect in His Divinity and perfect in His Humanity. He made His Humanity One with His Divinity without Mixture, nor Mingling, nor Confusion. His Divinity was not separated from His humanity even for a moment or twinkling of an eye.
At the same time, we anathematize the Doctrines of both Nestorius and Eutyches."
See also:
1990 A.D.---Between the Coptic Orthodox Church and Eastern Orthodox [Chalcedonian] Churches)
Excerpts from above agreement
Eastern Orthodox Opponents of the Chambesy Union
Example of their writings:
Statement of the Russian Orthodox on the Dialogue: (but see No 11 at - minutes of the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, April 11, 2006)
A Memorandum of the Sacred Community of Mount Athos:
His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on Eastern and Oriental Orthodox unity and the signedChristological agreement
Audio interview with His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on Eastern and Oriental orthodox Unity and the Christological agreement already reached between the two Orthodox families. Now after almost ten years the main real hinderer seems to be the jurisdictional issue.
Listen now (MP3 - 309 Kb - right-click to save):
Also listen to the Rev. Dr. Milton B. Efthimiou, Ecumenical Officer, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America speaking about Chalcedon (MP3 - 113 Kb - right-click to save):